
Augmenters that wrap methods from imagecorruptions package.

See ``_ for the package.

The package is derived from ``_. The corresponding paper is:

Hendrycks, Dan and Dietterich, Thomas G.
Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness to Common Corruptions and
Surface Variations

with the newer version being:

Hendrycks, Dan and Dietterich, Thomas G.
Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness to Common Corruptions and

List of augmenters:


The functions provided here have identical outputs to the ones in imagecorruptions when called using the corrupt() function of that package. E.g. the outputs are always uint8 and not float32 or float64.

Example usage:

>>> # Skip the doctests in this file as the imagecorruptions package is
>>> # not available in all python versions that are otherwise supported
>>> # by imgaug.
>>> import imgaug as ia
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> import numpy as np
>>> image = np.zeros((64, 64, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
>>> names, funcs = iaa.imgcorruptlike.get_corruption_names("validation")
>>> for name, func in zip(names, funcs):
>>>     image_aug = func(image, severity=5, seed=1)
>>>     image_aug = ia.draw_text(image_aug, x=20, y=20, text=name)
>>>     ia.imshow(image_aug)

Use e.g. ``iaa.imgcorruptlike.GaussianNoise(severity=2)(images=...)`` to
create and apply a specific augmenter.

Added in 0.4.0.

class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.Brightness(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.brightness.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_brightness().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Brightness(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.brightness. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.Contrast(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.contrast.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_contrast().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Contrast(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.contrast. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.DefocusBlur(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.defocus_blur.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_defocus_blur().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.DefocusBlur(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.defocus_blur. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.ElasticTransform(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.elastic_transform.


This augmenter can currently only transform image-data. Batches containing heatmaps, segmentation maps and coordinate-based augmentables will be rejected with an error. Use ElasticTransformation if you have to transform such inputs.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_elastic_transform().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.ElasticTransform(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.elastic_transform. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.Fog(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.fog.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_fog().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Fog(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.fog. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.Frost(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.frost.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_frost().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Frost(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.frost. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.GaussianBlur(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.gaussian_blur.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_gaussian_blur().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.GaussianBlur(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.gaussian_blur. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.GaussianNoise(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.gaussian_noise.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_gaussian_noise().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.GaussianNoise(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.gaussian_noise. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.GlassBlur(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.glass_blur.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_glass_blur().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.GlassBlur(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.glass_blur. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.ImpulseNoise(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.impulse_noise.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_impulse_noise().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.ImpulseNoise(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.impulse_noise. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.JpegCompression(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.jpeg_compression.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_jpeg_compression().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.JpegCompression(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.jpeg_compression. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.MotionBlur(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.motion_blur.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_motion_blur().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.MotionBlur(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.motion_blur. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.Pixelate(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.pixelate.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_pixelate().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Pixelate(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.pixelate. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.Saturate(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.saturate.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_saturate().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Saturate(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.saturate. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.ShotNoise(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.shot_noise.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_shot_noise().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.ShotNoise(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.shot_noise. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.Snow(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.snow.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_snow().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Snow(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.snow. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.Spatter(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.spatter.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_spatter().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Spatter(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.spatter. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.SpeckleNoise(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.speckle_noise.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_speckle_noise().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.SpeckleNoise(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.speckle_noise. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
class imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.ZoomBlur(severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state='deprecated', deterministic='deprecated')[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._ImgcorruptAugmenterBase

Wrapper around imagecorruptions.corruptions.zoom_blur.


This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See apply_zoom_blur().

  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – See __init__().
  • name (None or str, optional) – See __init__().
  • random_state (None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional) – Old name for parameter seed. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use seed now. Outdated since 0.4.0.
  • deterministic (bool, optional) – Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method to_deterministic() for an alternative and for details about what the “deterministic mode” actually does.


>>> # doctest: +SKIP
>>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
>>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.ZoomBlur(severity=2)

Create an augmenter around imagecorruptions.corruptions.zoom_blur. Apply it to images using e.g. aug(images=[image1, image2, ...]).


__call__(self, \*args, \*\*kwargs) Alias for augment().
augment(self[, return_batch, hooks]) Augment a batch.
augment_batch(self, batch[, hooks]) Deprecated.
augment_batch_(self, batch[, parents, hooks]) Augment a single batch in-place.
augment_batches(self, batches[, hooks, …]) Augment multiple batches.
augment_bounding_boxes(self, …[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of bounding boxes.
augment_heatmaps(self, heatmaps[, parents, …]) Augment a batch of heatmaps.
augment_image(self, image[, hooks]) Augment a single image.
augment_images(self, images[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of images.
augment_keypoints(self, keypoints_on_images) Augment a batch of keypoints/landmarks.
augment_line_strings(self, …[, parents, hooks]) Augment a batch of line strings.
augment_polygons(self, polygons_on_images[, …]) Augment a batch of polygons.
augment_segmentation_maps(self, segmaps[, …]) Augment a batch of segmentation maps.
copy(self) Create a shallow copy of this Augmenter instance.
copy_random_state(self, source[, recursive, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence.
copy_random_state_(self, source[, …]) Copy the RNGs from a source augmenter sequence (in-place).
deepcopy(self) Create a deep copy of this Augmenter instance.
draw_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and draw the results as a single grid-like image.
find_augmenters(self, func[, parents, flat]) Find augmenters that match a condition.
find_augmenters_by_name(self, name[, regex, …]) Find augmenter(s) by name.
find_augmenters_by_names(self, names[, …]) Find augmenter(s) by names.
get_all_children(self[, flat]) Get all children of this augmenter as a list.
get_children_lists(self) Get a list of lists of children of this augmenter.
get_parameters(self) See get_parameters().
localize_random_state(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
localize_random_state_(self[, recursive]) Assign augmenter-specific RNGs to this augmenter and its children.
pool(self[, processes, maxtasksperchild, seed]) Create a pool used for multicore augmentation.
remove_augmenters(self, func[, copy, …]) Remove this augmenter or children that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_(self, func[, parents]) Remove in-place children of this augmenter that match a condition.
remove_augmenters_inplace(self, func[, parents]) Deprecated.
reseed(self[, random_state, deterministic_too]) Deprecated.
seed_(self[, entropy, deterministic_too]) Seed this augmenter and all of its children.
show_grid(self, images, rows, cols) Augment images and plot the results as a single grid-like image.
to_deterministic(self[, n]) Convert this augmenter from a stochastic to a deterministic one.
imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_brightness(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply brightness from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_contrast(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply contrast from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_defocus_blur(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply defocus_blur from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_elastic_transform(image, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply elastic_transform from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • image (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_fog(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply fog from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_frost(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply frost from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_gaussian_blur(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply gaussian_blur from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_gaussian_noise(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply gaussian_noise from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_glass_blur(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply glass_blur from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_impulse_noise(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply impulse_noise from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_jpeg_compression(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply jpeg_compression from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_motion_blur(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply motion_blur from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_pixelate(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply pixelate from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_saturate(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply saturate from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_shot_noise(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply shot_noise from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_snow(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply snow from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_spatter(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply spatter from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_speckle_noise(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply speckle_noise from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:


imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_zoom_blur(x, severity=1, seed=None)[source]

Apply zoom_blur from imagecorruptions.

Added in 0.4.0.

Supported dtypes:

See _call_imgcorrupt_func().

  • x (ndarray) – Image array. Expected to have shape (H,W), (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) with dtype uint8 and a minimum height/width of 32.
  • severity (int, optional) – Strength of the corruption, with valid values being 1 <= severity <= 5.
  • seed (None or int, optional) – Seed for the random number generation to use.

Corrupted image.

Return type:



Get a named subset of image corruption functions.


This function returns the augmentation names (as strings) and the corresponding augmentation functions, while get_corruption_names() in imagecorruptions only returns the augmentation names.

Added in 0.4.0.

Parameters:subset ({‘common’, ‘validation’, ‘all’}, optional.) – Name of the subset of image corruption functions.
  • list of str – Names of the corruption methods, e.g. “gaussian_noise”.
  • list of callable – Function corresponding to the name. Is one of the apply_*() functions in this module. Apply e.g. via func(image, severity=2, seed=123).