Source code for imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike

Augmenters that wrap methods from ``imagecorruptions`` package.

See ``_ for the package.

The package is derived from ``_.
The corresponding `paper <>`_ is::

    Hendrycks, Dan and Dietterich, Thomas G.
    Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness to Common Corruptions and
    Surface Variations

with the `newer version <>`_ being::

    Hendrycks, Dan and Dietterich, Thomas G.
    Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness to Common Corruptions and

List of augmenters:

    * :class:`GaussianNoise`
    * :class:`ShotNoise`
    * :class:`ImpulseNoise`
    * :class:`SpeckleNoise`
    * :class:`GaussianBlur`
    * :class:`GlassBlur`
    * :class:`DefocusBlur`
    * :class:`MotionBlur`
    * :class:`ZoomBlur`
    * :class:`Fog`
    * :class:`Frost`
    * :class:`Snow`
    * :class:`Spatter`
    * :class:`Contrast`
    * :class:`Brightness`
    * :class:`Saturate`
    * :class:`JpegCompression`
    * :class:`Pixelate`
    * :class:`ElasticTransform`

.. note::

    The functions provided here have identical outputs to the ones in
    ``imagecorruptions`` when called using the ``corrupt()`` function of
    that package. E.g. the outputs are always ``uint8`` and not
    ``float32`` or ``float64``.

Example usage::

    >>> # Skip the doctests in this file as the imagecorruptions package is
    >>> # not available in all python versions that are otherwise supported
    >>> # by imgaug.
    >>> # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> import imgaug as ia
    >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> image = np.zeros((64, 64, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    >>> names, funcs = iaa.imgcorruptlike.get_corruption_names("validation")
    >>> for name, func in zip(names, funcs):
    >>>     image_aug = func(image, severity=5, seed=1)
    >>>     image_aug = ia.draw_text(image_aug, x=20, y=20, text=name)
    >>>     ia.imshow(image_aug)

    Use e.g. ``iaa.imgcorruptlike.GaussianNoise(severity=2)(images=...)`` to
    create and apply a specific augmenter.

Added in 0.4.0.

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import warnings

import numpy as np

import imgaug as ia
from .. import dtypes as iadt
from .. import random as iarandom
from .. import parameters as iap
from . import meta

# TODO add optional dependency

    "Could not import package `imagecorruptions`. This is an optional "
    "dependency of imgaug and must be installed manually in order "
    "to use augmenters from `imgaug.augmenters.imgcorrupt`. "
    "Use e.g. `pip install imagecorruptions` to install it. See also "
    " for the repository "
    "of the package."

# Added in 0.4.0.
def _clipped_zoom_no_scipy_warning(img, zoom_factor):
    from scipy.ndimage import zoom as scizoom

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".*output shape of zoom.*")

        # clipping along the width dimension:
        ch0 = int(np.ceil(img.shape[0] / float(zoom_factor)))
        top0 = (img.shape[0] - ch0) // 2

        # clipping along the height dimension:
        ch1 = int(np.ceil(img.shape[1] / float(zoom_factor)))
        top1 = (img.shape[1] - ch1) // 2

        img = scizoom(img[top0:top0 + ch0, top1:top1 + ch1],
                      (zoom_factor, zoom_factor, 1), order=1)

        return img

def _call_imgcorrupt_func(fname, seed, convert_to_pil, *args, **kwargs):
    """Apply an ``imagecorruptions`` function.

    The dtype support below is basically a placeholder to which the
    augmentation functions can point to decrease the amount of documentation.

    Added in 0.4.0.

    **Supported dtypes**:

        * ``uint8``: yes; indirectly tested (1)
        * ``uint16``: no
        * ``uint32``: no
        * ``uint64``: no
        * ``int8``: no
        * ``int16``: no
        * ``int32``: no
        * ``int64``: no
        * ``float16``: no
        * ``float32``: no
        * ``float64``: no
        * ``float128``: no
        * ``bool``: no

        - (1) Tested by comparison with function in ``imagecorruptions``

    # import imagecorruptions, note that it is an optional dependency
        # imagecorruptions sets its own warnings filter rule via
        # warnings.simplefilter(). That rule is the in effect for the whole
        # program and not just the module. So to prevent that here
        # we use catch_warnings(), which uintuitively does not by default
        # catch warnings but saves and restores the warnings filter settings.
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            import imagecorruptions.corruptions as corruptions
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError(_MISSING_PACKAGE_ERROR_MSG)

    # Monkeypatch clip_zoom() as that causes warnings in some scipy versions,
    # and the implementation here suppresses these warnings. They suppress
    # all UserWarnings on a module level instead, which seems very exhaustive.
    corruptions.clipped_zoom = _clipped_zoom_no_scipy_warning

    image = args[0]

                    "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "uint128", "uint256",
                    "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "int128", "int256",
                    "float16", "float32", "float64", "float96", "float128",

    input_shape = image.shape

    height, width = input_shape[0:2]
    assert height >= 32 and width >= 32, (
        "Expected the provided image to have a width and height of at least "
        "32 pixels, as that is the lower limit that the wrapped "
        "imagecorruptions functions use. Got shape %s." % (image.shape,))

    ndim = image.ndim
    assert ndim == 2 or (ndim == 3 and (image.shape[2] in [1, 3])), (
        "Expected input image to have shape (height, width) or "
        "(height, width, 1) or (height, width, 3). Got shape %s." % (

    if ndim == 2:
        image = image[..., np.newaxis]
    if image.shape[-1] == 1:
        image = np.tile(image, (1, 1, 3))

    if convert_to_pil:
        import PIL.Image
        image = PIL.Image.fromarray(image)

    with iarandom.temporary_numpy_seed(seed):
        if ia.is_callable(fname):
            image_aug = fname(image, *args[1:], **kwargs)
            image_aug = getattr(corruptions, fname)(image, *args[1:], **kwargs)

    if convert_to_pil:
        image_aug = np.asarray(image_aug)

    if ndim == 2:
        image_aug = image_aug[:, :, 0]
    elif input_shape[-1] == 1:
        image_aug = image_aug[:, :, 0:1]

    # this cast is done at the end of imagecorruptions.__init__.corrupt()
    image_aug = np.uint8(image_aug)

    return image_aug

[docs]def get_corruption_names(subset="common"): """Get a named subset of image corruption functions. .. note:: This function returns the augmentation names (as strings) *and* the corresponding augmentation functions, while ``get_corruption_names()`` in ``imagecorruptions`` only returns the augmentation names. Added in 0.4.0. Parameters ---------- subset : {'common', 'validation', 'all'}, optional. Name of the subset of image corruption functions. Returns ------- list of str Names of the corruption methods, e.g. "gaussian_noise". list of callable Function corresponding to the name. Is one of the ``apply_*()`` functions in this module. Apply e.g. via ``func(image, severity=2, seed=123)``. """ # import imagecorruptions, note that it is an optional dependency try: # imagecorruptions sets its own warnings filter rule via # warnings.simplefilter(). That rule is the in effect for the whole # program and not just the module. So to prevent that here # we use catch_warnings(), which uintuitively does not by default # catch warnings but saves and restores the warnings filter settings. with warnings.catch_warnings(): import imagecorruptions except ImportError: raise ImportError(_MISSING_PACKAGE_ERROR_MSG) cnames = imagecorruptions.get_corruption_names(subset) funcs = [globals()["apply_%s" % (cname,)] for cname in cnames] return cnames, funcs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Corruption functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # These functions could easily be created dynamically, especially templating # the docstrings would save many lines of code. It is intentionally not done # here for the same reasons as in case of the augmenters. See the comment # further below at the start of the augmenter section for details.
[docs]def apply_gaussian_noise(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``gaussian_noise`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("gaussian_noise", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_shot_noise(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``shot_noise`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("shot_noise", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_impulse_noise(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``impulse_noise`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("impulse_noise", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_speckle_noise(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``speckle_noise`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("speckle_noise", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_gaussian_blur(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``gaussian_blur`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("gaussian_blur", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_glass_blur(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``glass_blur`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func(_apply_glass_blur_imgaug, seed, False, x, severity)
# Added in 0.4.0. def _apply_glass_blur_imgaug(x, severity=1): # false positive on x_shape[0] # invalid name for dx, dy # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object, invalid-name # original function implementation from # # this is an improved (i.e. faster) version from skimage.filters import gaussian # sigma, max_delta, iterations c = [ (0.7, 1, 2), (0.9, 2, 1), (1, 2, 3), (1.1, 3, 2), (1.5, 4, 2) ][severity - 1] sigma, max_delta, iterations = c x = np.uint8( gaussian(np.array(x) / 255., sigma=sigma, multichannel=True) * 255) x_shape = np.array(x).shape # locally shuffle pixels nb_height = x_shape[0] - 2 * max_delta nb_width = x_shape[1] - 2 * max_delta for _ in range(iterations): dxxdyy = np.random.randint(-max_delta, max_delta, size=(nb_height, nb_width, 2,)) dxxdyy = dxxdyy.astype(np.int16) # Rotate here, because imagecorruptions starts the replacement at the # bottom right, so the first generated sample should be placed in that # corner and not the top left corner. # We could avoid this with some fancy (but unreadable) indexing. dxxdyy = np.rot90(dxxdyy, 2, axes=(1, 0)) # Pad the array to make things easier for us. # We could avoid this with a bit better indexing. dxxdyy = np.pad( dxxdyy, ((max_delta+1, max_delta-1), (max_delta+1, max_delta-1), (0, 0)), mode="constant") for h in range(x_shape[0] - max_delta, max_delta, -1): for w in range(x_shape[1] - max_delta, max_delta, -1): dx, dy = dxxdyy[h, w, :] h_prime, w_prime = h + dy, w + dx # swap x[h, w], x[h_prime, w_prime] = x[h_prime, w_prime], x[h, w] return np.clip( gaussian(x / 255., sigma=sigma, multichannel=True), 0, 1 ) * 255
[docs]def apply_defocus_blur(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``defocus_blur`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("defocus_blur", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_motion_blur(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``motion_blur`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("motion_blur", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_zoom_blur(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``zoom_blur`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("zoom_blur", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_fog(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``fog`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("fog", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_frost(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``frost`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("frost", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_snow(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``snow`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("snow", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_spatter(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``spatter`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("spatter", seed, True, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_contrast(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``contrast`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("contrast", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_brightness(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``brightness`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("brightness", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_saturate(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``saturate`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("saturate", seed, False, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_jpeg_compression(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``jpeg_compression`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("jpeg_compression", seed, True, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_pixelate(x, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``pixelate`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("pixelate", seed, True, x, severity)
[docs]def apply_elastic_transform(image, severity=1, seed=None): """Apply ``elastic_transform`` from ``imagecorruptions``. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike._call_imgcorrupt_func`. Parameters ---------- image : ndarray Image array. Expected to have shape ``(H,W)``, ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` with dtype ``uint8`` and a minimum height/width of ``32``. severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int, optional Seed for the random number generation to use. Returns ------- ndarray Corrupted image. """ return _call_imgcorrupt_func("elastic_transform", seed, False, image, severity)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Augmenters # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The augmenter definitions below are almost identical and mainly differ in # the names and functions used. It would be fairly trivial to write a # function that would create these augmenters dynamically (and one is listed # below as a comment). The downside is that in these cases the documentation # would also be generated dynamically, which leads to numerous problems: # (1) users couldn't easily read the documentation while scrolling through # the code file, (2) IDEs might not be able to use it for code suggestions, # (3) tools like pylint can't detect and validate it, (4) the imgaug-doc # tools to parse dtype support don't work with dynamically generated # documentation (and neither with dynamically generated classes). # Even though it's by far more code, it seems like the better choice overall # to just write it out. # Example function to dynamically generate augmenters, kept for possible # future uses: # def _create_augmenter(class_name, func_name): # func = globals()["apply_%s" % (func_name,)] # # def __init__(self, severity=1, name=None, deterministic=False, # random_state=None): # super(self.__class__, self).__init__( # func, severity, name=name, deterministic=deterministic, # random_state=random_state) # # augmenter_class = type(class_name, # (_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase,), # {"__init__": __init__}) # # augmenter_class.__doc__ = """ # Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.%s``. # # **Supported dtypes**: # # See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_%s`. # # Parameters # ---------- # severity : int, optional # Strength of the corruption, with valid values being # ``1 <= severity <= 5``. # # name : None or str, optional # See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. # # deterministic : bool, optional # See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. # # random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional # See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. # # Examples # -------- # >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa # >>> aug = iaa.%s(severity=2) # # Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.%s``. Apply it to # images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. # # """ % (func_name, func_name, class_name, func_name) # # return augmenter_class # Added in 0.4.0. class _ImgcorruptAugmenterBase(meta.Augmenter): def __init__(self, func, severity=1, seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase, self).__init__( seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic) self.func = func self.severity = iap.handle_discrete_param( severity, "severity", value_range=(1, 5), tuple_to_uniform=True, list_to_choice=True, allow_floats=False) # Added in 0.4.0. def _augment_batch_(self, batch, random_state, parents, hooks): if batch.images is None: return batch severities, seeds = self._draw_samples(len(batch.images), random_state=random_state) for image, severity, seed in zip(batch.images, severities, seeds): image[...] = self.func(image, severity=severity, seed=seed) return batch # Added in 0.4.0. def _draw_samples(self, nb_rows, random_state): severities = self.severity.draw_samples((nb_rows,), random_state=random_state) seeds = random_state.generate_seeds_(nb_rows) return severities, seeds # Added in 0.4.0. def get_parameters(self): """See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.get_parameters`.""" return [self.severity]
[docs]class GaussianNoise(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.gaussian_noise``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_gaussian_noise`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.GaussianNoise(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.gaussian_noise``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(GaussianNoise, self).__init__( apply_gaussian_noise, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class ShotNoise(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.shot_noise``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_shot_noise`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.ShotNoise(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.shot_noise``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(ShotNoise, self).__init__( apply_shot_noise, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class ImpulseNoise(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.impulse_noise``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_impulse_noise`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.ImpulseNoise(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.impulse_noise``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(ImpulseNoise, self).__init__( apply_impulse_noise, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class SpeckleNoise(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.speckle_noise``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_speckle_noise`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.SpeckleNoise(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.speckle_noise``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(SpeckleNoise, self).__init__( apply_speckle_noise, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class GaussianBlur(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.gaussian_blur``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_gaussian_blur`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.GaussianBlur(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.gaussian_blur``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(GaussianBlur, self).__init__( apply_gaussian_blur, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class GlassBlur(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.glass_blur``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_glass_blur`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.GlassBlur(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.glass_blur``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(GlassBlur, self).__init__( apply_glass_blur, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class DefocusBlur(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.defocus_blur``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_defocus_blur`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.DefocusBlur(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.defocus_blur``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(DefocusBlur, self).__init__( apply_defocus_blur, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class MotionBlur(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.motion_blur``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_motion_blur`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.MotionBlur(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.motion_blur``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(MotionBlur, self).__init__( apply_motion_blur, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class ZoomBlur(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.zoom_blur``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_zoom_blur`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.ZoomBlur(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.zoom_blur``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(ZoomBlur, self).__init__( apply_zoom_blur, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class Fog(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.fog``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_fog`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Fog(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.fog``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(Fog, self).__init__( apply_fog, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class Frost(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.frost``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_frost`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Frost(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.frost``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(Frost, self).__init__( apply_frost, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class Snow(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.snow``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_snow`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Snow(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.snow``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(Snow, self).__init__( apply_snow, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class Spatter(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.spatter``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_spatter`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Spatter(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.spatter``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(Spatter, self).__init__( apply_spatter, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class Contrast(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.contrast``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_contrast`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Contrast(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.contrast``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(Contrast, self).__init__( apply_contrast, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class Brightness(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.brightness``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_brightness`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Brightness(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.brightness``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(Brightness, self).__init__( apply_brightness, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class Saturate(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.saturate``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_saturate`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Saturate(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.saturate``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(Saturate, self).__init__( apply_saturate, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class JpegCompression(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.jpeg_compression``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_jpeg_compression`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.JpegCompression(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.jpeg_compression``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(JpegCompression, self).__init__( apply_jpeg_compression, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class Pixelate(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.pixelate``. .. note:: This augmenter only affects images. Other data is not changed. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_pixelate`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Pixelate(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.pixelate``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(Pixelate, self).__init__( apply_pixelate, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic)
[docs]class ElasticTransform(_ImgcorruptAugmenterBase): """ Wrapper around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.elastic_transform``. .. warning:: This augmenter can currently only transform image-data. Batches containing heatmaps, segmentation maps and coordinate-based augmentables will be rejected with an error. Use :class:`~imgaug.augmenters.geometric.ElasticTransformation` if you have to transform such inputs. Added in 0.4.0. **Supported dtypes**: See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike.apply_elastic_transform`. Parameters ---------- severity : int, optional Strength of the corruption, with valid values being ``1 <= severity <= 5``. seed : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. name : None or str, optional See :func:`~imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter.__init__`. random_state : None or int or imgaug.random.RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState, optional Old name for parameter `seed`. Its usage will not yet cause a deprecation warning, but it is still recommended to use `seed` now. Outdated since 0.4.0. deterministic : bool, optional Deprecated since 0.4.0. See method ``to_deterministic()`` for an alternative and for details about what the "deterministic mode" actually does. Examples -------- >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> import imgaug.augmenters as iaa >>> aug = iaa.imgcorruptlike.ElasticTransform(severity=2) Create an augmenter around ``imagecorruptions.corruptions.elastic_transform``. Apply it to images using e.g. ``aug(images=[image1, image2, ...])``. """ # Added in 0.4.0. def __init__(self, severity=(1, 5), seed=None, name=None, random_state="deprecated", deterministic="deprecated"): super(ElasticTransform, self).__init__( apply_elastic_transform, severity, seed=seed, name=name, random_state=random_state, deterministic=deterministic) # Added in 0.4.0. def _augment_batch_(self, batch, random_state, parents, hooks): cols = batch.get_column_names() assert len(cols) == 0 or (len(cols) == 1 and "images" in cols), ( "imgcorruptlike.ElasticTransform can currently only process image " "data. Got a batch containing: %s. Use " "imgaug.augmenters.geometric.ElasticTransformation for " "batches containing non-image data." % (", ".join(cols),)) return super(ElasticTransform, self)._augment_batch_( batch, random_state, parents, hooks)