
Classes to represent keypoints, i.e. points given as xy-coordinates.

class imgaug.augmentables.kps.Keypoint(x, y)[source]

Bases: object

A single keypoint (aka landmark) on an image.

  • x (number) – Coordinate of the keypoint on the x axis.
  • y (number) – Coordinate of the keypoint on the y axis.

Get the xy-coordinates as an (N,2) ndarray.


Get the keypoint’s x-coordinate, rounded to the closest integer.


Get the keypoint’s x- and y-coordinate as a single array.


Get the keypoint’s xy-coord, rounded to closest integer.


Get the keypoint’s y-coordinate, rounded to the closest integer.


almost_equals(self, other[, max_distance]) Compare this and another KP’s coordinates.
compute_out_of_image_fraction(self, image) Compute fraction of the keypoint that is out of the image plane.
coords_almost_equals(self, other[, max_distance]) Estimate if this and another KP have almost identical coordinates.
copy(self[, x, y]) Create a shallow copy of the keypoint instance.
deepcopy(self[, x, y]) Create a deep copy of the keypoint instance.
draw_on_image(self, image[, color, alpha, …]) Draw the keypoint onto a given image.
generate_similar_points_manhattan(self, …) Generate nearby points based on manhattan distance.
is_out_of_image(self, image) Estimate whether this point is outside of the given image plane.
project(self, from_shape, to_shape) Project the keypoint onto a new position on a new image.
project_(self, from_shape, to_shape) Project in-place the keypoint onto a new position on a new image.
shift(self[, x, y]) Move the keypoint around on an image.
shift_(self[, x, y]) Move the keypoint around on an image in-place.
almost_equals(self, other, max_distance=0.0001)[source]

Compare this and another KP’s coordinates.


This method is currently identical to coords_almost_equals. It exists for consistency with BoundingBox and Polygons.

Added in 0.4.0.

  • other (imgaug.augmentables.kps.Keypoint or iterable) – The other object to compare against. Expected to be a Keypoint.
  • max_distance (number, optional) – See coords_almost_equals().

True if the coordinates are almost equal. Otherwise False.

Return type:


compute_out_of_image_fraction(self, image)[source]

Compute fraction of the keypoint that is out of the image plane.

The fraction is always either 1.0 (point is outside of the image plane) or 0.0 (point is inside the image plane). This method exists for consistency with other augmentables, e.g. bounding boxes.

Added in 0.4.0.

Parameters:image ((H,W,…) ndarray or tuple of int) – Image dimensions to use. If an ndarray, its shape will be used. If a tuple, it is assumed to represent the image shape and must contain at least two integers.
Returns:Either 1.0 (point is outside of the image plane) or 0.0 (point is inside of it).
Return type:float

Get the xy-coordinates as an (N,2) ndarray.

Added in 0.4.0.

Returns:An (N, 2) float32 ndarray with N=1 containing the coordinates of this keypoints.
Return type:ndarray
coords_almost_equals(self, other, max_distance=0.0001)[source]

Estimate if this and another KP have almost identical coordinates.

Added in 0.4.0.

  • other (imgaug.augmentables.kps.Keypoint or iterable) – The other keypoint with which to compare this one. If this is an iterable, it is assumed to contain the xy-coordinates of a keypoint.
  • max_distance (number, optional) – The maximum euclidean distance between a this keypoint and the other one. If the distance is exceeded, the two keypoints are not viewed as equal.

Whether the two keypoints have almost identical coordinates.

Return type:


copy(self, x=None, y=None)[source]

Create a shallow copy of the keypoint instance.

  • x (None or number, optional) – Coordinate of the keypoint on the x axis. If None, the instance’s value will be copied.
  • y (None or number, optional) – Coordinate of the keypoint on the y axis. If None, the instance’s value will be copied.

Shallow copy.

Return type:


deepcopy(self, x=None, y=None)[source]

Create a deep copy of the keypoint instance.

  • x (None or number, optional) – Coordinate of the keypoint on the x axis. If None, the instance’s value will be copied.
  • y (None or number, optional) – Coordinate of the keypoint on the y axis. If None, the instance’s value will be copied.

Deep copy.

Return type:


draw_on_image(self, image, color=(0, 255, 0), alpha=1.0, size=3, copy=True, raise_if_out_of_image=False)[source]

Draw the keypoint onto a given image.

The keypoint is drawn as a square.

  • image ((H,W,3) ndarray) – The image onto which to draw the keypoint.
  • color (int or list of int or tuple of int or (3,) ndarray, optional) – The RGB color of the keypoint. If a single int C, then that is equivalent to (C,C,C).
  • alpha (float, optional) – The opacity of the drawn keypoint, where 1.0 denotes a fully visible keypoint and 0.0 an invisible one.
  • size (int, optional) – The size of the keypoint. If set to S, each square will have size S x S.
  • copy (bool, optional) – Whether to copy the image before drawing the keypoint.
  • raise_if_out_of_image (bool, optional) – Whether to raise an exception if the keypoint is outside of the image.

image – Image with drawn keypoint.

Return type:

(H,W,3) ndarray

generate_similar_points_manhattan(self, nb_steps, step_size, return_array=False)[source]

Generate nearby points based on manhattan distance.

To generate the first neighbouring points, a distance of S (step size) is moved from the center point (this keypoint) to the top, right, bottom and left, resulting in four new points. From these new points, the pattern is repeated. Overlapping points are ignored.

The resulting points have a shape similar to a square rotated by 45 degrees.

  • nb_steps (int) – The number of steps to move from the center point. nb_steps=1 results in a total of 5 output points (one center point + four neighbours).
  • step_size (number) – The step size to move from every point to its neighbours.
  • return_array (bool, optional) – Whether to return the generated points as a list of Keypoint or an array of shape (N,2), where N is the number of generated points and the second axis contains the x-/y-coordinates.

If return_array was False, then a list of Keypoint. Otherwise a numpy array of shape (N,2), where N is the number of generated points and the second axis contains the x-/y-coordinates. The center keypoint (the one on which this function was called) is always included.

Return type:

list of imgaug.augmentables.kps.Keypoint or (N,2) ndarray

is_out_of_image(self, image)[source]

Estimate whether this point is outside of the given image plane.

Added in 0.4.0.

Parameters:image ((H,W,…) ndarray or tuple of int) – Image dimensions to use. If an ndarray, its shape will be used. If a tuple, it is assumed to represent the image shape and must contain at least two integers.
Returns:True is the point is inside the image plane, False otherwise.
Return type:bool
project(self, from_shape, to_shape)[source]

Project the keypoint onto a new position on a new image.

E.g. if the keypoint is on its original image at x=(10 of 100 pixels) and y=(20 of 100 pixels) and is projected onto a new image with size (width=200, height=200), its new position will be (20, 40).

This is intended for cases where the original image is resized. It cannot be used for more complex changes (e.g. padding, cropping).

  • from_shape (tuple of int) – Shape of the original image. (Before resize.)
  • to_shape (tuple of int) – Shape of the new image. (After resize.)

Keypoint object with new coordinates.

Return type:


project_(self, from_shape, to_shape)[source]

Project in-place the keypoint onto a new position on a new image.

E.g. if the keypoint is on its original image at x=(10 of 100 pixels) and y=(20 of 100 pixels) and is projected onto a new image with size (width=200, height=200), its new position will be (20, 40).

This is intended for cases where the original image is resized. It cannot be used for more complex changes (e.g. padding, cropping).

Added in 0.4.0.

  • from_shape (tuple of int) – Shape of the original image. (Before resize.)
  • to_shape (tuple of int) – Shape of the new image. (After resize.)

Keypoint object with new coordinates. The instance of the keypoint may have been modified in-place.

Return type:


shift(self, x=0, y=0)[source]

Move the keypoint around on an image.

  • x (number, optional) – Move by this value on the x axis.
  • y (number, optional) – Move by this value on the y axis.

Keypoint object with new coordinates.

Return type:


shift_(self, x=0, y=0)[source]

Move the keypoint around on an image in-place.

Added in 0.4.0.

  • x (number, optional) – Move by this value on the x axis.
  • y (number, optional) – Move by this value on the y axis.

Keypoint object with new coordinates. The instance of the keypoint may have been modified in-place.

Return type:



Get the keypoint’s x-coordinate, rounded to the closest integer.

Returns:result – Keypoint’s x-coordinate, rounded to the closest integer.
Return type:int

Get the keypoint’s x- and y-coordinate as a single array.

Added in 0.4.0.

Returns:A (2,) ndarray denoting the xy-coordinate pair.
Return type:ndarray

Get the keypoint’s xy-coord, rounded to closest integer.

Added in 0.4.0.

Returns:A (2,) ndarray denoting the xy-coordinate pair.
Return type:ndarray

Get the keypoint’s y-coordinate, rounded to the closest integer.

Returns:result – Keypoint’s y-coordinate, rounded to the closest integer.
Return type:int
class imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage(keypoints, shape)[source]

Bases: imgaug.augmentables.base.IAugmentable

Container for all keypoints on a single image.

  • keypoints (list of imgaug.augmentables.kps.Keypoint) – List of keypoints on the image.
  • shape (tuple of int or ndarray) – The shape of the image on which the objects are placed. Either an image with shape (H,W,[C]) or a tuple denoting such an image shape.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from imgaug.augmentables.kps import Keypoint, KeypointsOnImage
>>> image = np.zeros((70, 70))
>>> kps = [Keypoint(x=10, y=20), Keypoint(x=34, y=60)]
>>> kps_oi = KeypointsOnImage(kps, shape=image.shape)

Determine whether this object contains zero keypoints.


Get the image height.


Get the keypoints in this container.


Get the image width.


clip_out_of_image(self) Remove all KPs that are outside of the image plane.
clip_out_of_image_(self) Remove all KPs that are outside of the image plane.
copy(self[, keypoints, shape]) Create a shallow copy of the KeypointsOnImage object.
deepcopy(self[, keypoints, shape]) Create a deep copy of the KeypointsOnImage object.
draw_on_image(self, image[, color, alpha, …]) Draw all keypoints onto a given image.
fill_from_xy_array_(self, xy) Modify the keypoint coordinates of this instance in-place.
from_coords_array(coords, shape) Deprecated.
from_distance_maps(distance_maps[, …]) Convert outputs of to_distance_maps() to KeypointsOnImage.
from_keypoint_image(image[, …]) Convert to_keypoint_image() outputs to KeypointsOnImage.
from_xy_array(xy, shape) Convert an (N,2) array to a KeypointsOnImage object.
get_coords_array(self) Deprecated.
invert_to_keypoints_on_image_(self, kpsoi) Invert the output of to_keypoints_on_image() in-place.
on(self, image) Project all keypoints from one image shape to a new one.
on_(self, image) Project all keypoints from one image shape to a new one in-place.
remove_out_of_image_fraction(self, fraction) Remove all KPs with an out of image fraction of at least fraction.
remove_out_of_image_fraction_(self, fraction) Remove all KPs with an OOI fraction of at least fraction in-place.
shift(self[, x, y]) Move the keypoints on the x/y-axis.
shift_(self[, x, y]) Move the keypoints on the x/y-axis in-place.
to_distance_maps(self[, inverted]) Generate a (H,W,N) array of distance maps for N keypoints.
to_keypoint_image(self[, size]) Create an (H,W,N) image with keypoint coordinates set to 255.
to_keypoints_on_image(self) Convert the keypoints to one KeypointsOnImage instance.
to_xy_array(self) Convert all keypoint coordinates to an array of shape (N,2).

Remove all KPs that are outside of the image plane.

This method exists for consistency with other augmentables, e.g. bounding boxes.

Added in 0.4.0.

Returns:Keypoints that are inside the image plane.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage

Remove all KPs that are outside of the image plane.

This method exists for consistency with other augmentables, e.g. bounding boxes.

Added in 0.4.0.

Returns:Keypoints that are inside the image plane. The object may have been modified in-place.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage
copy(self, keypoints=None, shape=None)[source]

Create a shallow copy of the KeypointsOnImage object.

  • keypoints (None or list of imgaug.Keypoint, optional) – List of keypoints on the image. If None, the instance’s keypoints will be copied.
  • shape (tuple of int, optional) – The shape of the image on which the keypoints are placed. If None, the instance’s shape will be copied.

Shallow copy.

Return type:


deepcopy(self, keypoints=None, shape=None)[source]

Create a deep copy of the KeypointsOnImage object.

  • keypoints (None or list of imgaug.Keypoint, optional) – List of keypoints on the image. If None, the instance’s keypoints will be copied.
  • shape (tuple of int, optional) – The shape of the image on which the keypoints are placed. If None, the instance’s shape will be copied.

Deep copy.

Return type:


draw_on_image(self, image, color=(0, 255, 0), alpha=1.0, size=3, copy=True, raise_if_out_of_image=False)[source]

Draw all keypoints onto a given image.

Each keypoint is drawn as a square of provided color and size.

  • image ((H,W,3) ndarray) – The image onto which to draw the keypoints. This image should usually have the same shape as set in KeypointsOnImage.shape.
  • color (int or list of int or tuple of int or (3,) ndarray, optional) – The RGB color of all keypoints. If a single int C, then that is equivalent to (C,C,C).
  • alpha (float, optional) – The opacity of the drawn keypoint, where 1.0 denotes a fully visible keypoint and 0.0 an invisible one.
  • size (int, optional) – The size of each point. If set to C, each square will have size C x C.
  • copy (bool, optional) – Whether to copy the image before drawing the points.
  • raise_if_out_of_image (bool, optional) – Whether to raise an exception if any keypoint is outside of the image.

Image with drawn keypoints.

Return type:

(H,W,3) ndarray


Determine whether this object contains zero keypoints.

Returns:True if this object contains zero keypoints.
Return type:bool
fill_from_xy_array_(self, xy)[source]

Modify the keypoint coordinates of this instance in-place.


This currently expects that xy contains exactly as many coordinates as there are keypoints in this instance. Otherwise, an AssertionError will be raised.

Added in 0.4.0.

Parameters:xy ((N, 2) ndarray or iterable of iterable of number) – Coordinates of N keypoints on an image, given as a (N,2) array of xy-coordinates. N must match the number of keypoints in this instance.
Returns:This instance itself, with updated keypoint coordinates. Note that the instance was modified in-place.
Return type:KeypointsOnImage
static from_coords_array(coords, shape)[source]

Deprecated. Use KeypointsOnImage.from_xy_array() instead.

Convert an (N,2) array to a KeypointsOnImage object.

coords : (N, 2) ndarray

Coordinates of N keypoints on an image, given as a (N,2) array of xy-coordinates.

shape : tuple

The shape of the image on which the keypoints are placed.


KeypointsOnImage object containing the array’s keypoints.

static from_distance_maps(distance_maps, inverted=False, if_not_found_coords={'x': -1, 'y': -1}, threshold=None, nb_channels=None)[source]

Convert outputs of to_distance_maps() to KeypointsOnImage.

This is the inverse of KeypointsOnImage.to_distance_maps().

  • distance_maps ((H,W,N) ndarray) – The distance maps. N is the number of keypoints.
  • inverted (bool, optional) – Whether the given distance maps were generated in inverted mode (i.e. KeypointsOnImage.to_distance_maps() was called with inverted=True) or in non-inverted mode.
  • if_not_found_coords (tuple or list or dict or None, optional) – Coordinates to use for keypoints that cannot be found in distance_maps.
    • If this is a list/tuple, it must contain two int values.
    • If it is a dict, it must contain the keys x and y with each containing one int value.
    • If this is None, then the keypoint will not be added to the final KeypointsOnImage object.
  • threshold (float, optional) – The search for keypoints works by searching for the argmin (non-inverted) or argmax (inverted) in each channel. This parameters contains the maximum (non-inverted) or minimum (inverted) value to accept in order to view a hit as a keypoint. Use None to use no min/max.
  • nb_channels (None or int, optional) – Number of channels of the image on which the keypoints are placed. Some keypoint augmenters require that information. If set to None, the keypoint’s shape will be set to (height, width), otherwise (height, width, nb_channels).

The extracted keypoints.

Return type:


static from_keypoint_image(image, if_not_found_coords={'x': -1, 'y': -1}, threshold=1, nb_channels=None)[source]

Convert to_keypoint_image() outputs to KeypointsOnImage.

This is the inverse of KeypointsOnImage.to_keypoint_image().

  • image ((H,W,N) ndarray) – The keypoints image. N is the number of keypoints.
  • if_not_found_coords (tuple or list or dict or None, optional) – Coordinates to use for keypoints that cannot be found in image.
    • If this is a list/tuple, it must contain two int values.
    • If it is a dict, it must contain the keys x and y with each containing one int value.
    • If this is None, then the keypoint will not be added to the final KeypointsOnImage object.
  • threshold (int, optional) – The search for keypoints works by searching for the argmax in each channel. This parameters contains the minimum value that the max must have in order to be viewed as a keypoint.
  • nb_channels (None or int, optional) – Number of channels of the image on which the keypoints are placed. Some keypoint augmenters require that information. If set to None, the keypoint’s shape will be set to (height, width), otherwise (height, width, nb_channels).

The extracted keypoints.

Return type:


classmethod from_xy_array(xy, shape)[source]

Convert an (N,2) array to a KeypointsOnImage object.

  • xy ((N, 2) ndarray or iterable of iterable of number) – Coordinates of N keypoints on an image, given as a (N,2) array of xy-coordinates.
  • shape (tuple of int or ndarray) – The shape of the image on which the keypoints are placed.

KeypointsOnImage object containing the array’s keypoints.

Return type:



Deprecated. Use KeypointsOnImage.to_xy_array() instead.

Convert all keypoint coordinates to an array of shape (N,2).

(N, 2) ndarray

Array containing the coordinates of all keypoints. N denotes the number of keypoints. The second axis denotes the x/y-coordinates.


Get the image height.

Returns:Image height.
Return type:int
invert_to_keypoints_on_image_(self, kpsoi)[source]

Invert the output of to_keypoints_on_image() in-place.

This function writes in-place into this KeypointsOnImage instance.

Added in 0.4.0.

Parameters:kpsoi (imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImages) – Keypoints to copy data from, i.e. the outputs of to_keypoints_on_image().
Returns:Keypoints container with updated coordinates. Note that the instance is also updated in-place.
Return type:KeypointsOnImage

Get the keypoints in this container.

Added in 0.4.0.

Returns:Keypoints within this container.
Return type:list of Keypoint
on(self, image)[source]

Project all keypoints from one image shape to a new one.

Parameters:image (ndarray or tuple of int) – New image onto which the keypoints are to be projected. May also simply be that new image’s shape tuple.
Returns:Object containing all projected keypoints.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage
on_(self, image)[source]

Project all keypoints from one image shape to a new one in-place.

Added in 0.4.0.

Parameters:image (ndarray or tuple of int) – New image onto which the keypoints are to be projected. May also simply be that new image’s shape tuple.
Returns:Object containing all projected keypoints. The object may have been modified in-place.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage
remove_out_of_image_fraction(self, fraction)[source]

Remove all KPs with an out of image fraction of at least fraction.

This method exists for consistency with other augmentables, e.g. bounding boxes.

Added in 0.4.0.

Parameters:fraction (number) – Minimum out of image fraction that a keypoint has to have in order to be removed. Note that any keypoint can only have a fraction of either 1.0 (is outside) or 0.0 (is inside). Set this to 0.0+eps to remove all points that are outside of the image. Setting this to 0.0 will remove all points.
Returns:Reduced set of keypoints, with those thathad an out of image fraction greater or equal the given one removed.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage
remove_out_of_image_fraction_(self, fraction)[source]

Remove all KPs with an OOI fraction of at least fraction in-place.

‘OOI’ is the abbreviation for ‘out of image’.

This method exists for consistency with other augmentables, e.g. bounding boxes.

Added in 0.4.0.

Parameters:fraction (number) – Minimum out of image fraction that a keypoint has to have in order to be removed. Note that any keypoint can only have a fraction of either 1.0 (is outside) or 0.0 (is inside). Set this to 0.0+eps to remove all points that are outside of the image. Setting this to 0.0 will remove all points.
Returns:Reduced set of keypoints, with those thathad an out of image fraction greater or equal the given one removed. The object may have been modified in-place.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage
shift(self, x=0, y=0)[source]

Move the keypoints on the x/y-axis.

  • x (number, optional) – Move each keypoint by this value on the x axis.
  • y (number, optional) – Move each keypoint by this value on the y axis.

Keypoints after moving them.

Return type:


shift_(self, x=0, y=0)[source]

Move the keypoints on the x/y-axis in-place.

Added in 0.4.0.

  • x (number, optional) – Move each keypoint by this value on the x axis.
  • y (number, optional) – Move each keypoint by this value on the y axis.

Keypoints after moving them. The object and its items may have been modified in-place.

Return type:


to_distance_maps(self, inverted=False)[source]

Generate a (H,W,N) array of distance maps for N keypoints.

The n-th distance map contains at every location (y, x) the euclidean distance to the n-th keypoint.

This function can be used as a helper when augmenting keypoints with a method that only supports the augmentation of images.

Parameters:inverted (bool, optional) – If True, inverted distance maps are returned where each distance value d is replaced by d/(d+1), i.e. the distance maps have values in the range (0.0, 1.0] with 1.0 denoting exactly the position of the respective keypoint.
Returns:A float32 array containing N distance maps for N keypoints. Each location (y, x, n) in the array denotes the euclidean distance at (y, x) to the n-th keypoint. If inverted is True, the distance d is replaced by d/(d+1). The height and width of the array match the height and width in KeypointsOnImage.shape.
Return type:(H,W,N) ndarray
to_keypoint_image(self, size=1)[source]

Create an (H,W,N) image with keypoint coordinates set to 255.

This method generates a new uint8 array of shape (H,W,N), where H is the .shape height, W the .shape width and N is the number of keypoints. The array is filled with zeros. The coordinate of the n-th keypoint is set to 255 in the n-th channel.

This function can be used as a helper when augmenting keypoints with a method that only supports the augmentation of images.

Parameters:size (int) – Size of each (squared) point.
Returns:Image in which the keypoints are marked. H is the height, defined in KeypointsOnImage.shape[0] (analogous W). N is the number of keypoints.
Return type:(H,W,N) ndarray

Convert the keypoints to one KeypointsOnImage instance.

This method exists for consistency with BoundingBoxesOnImage, PolygonsOnImage and LineStringsOnImage.

Added in 0.4.0.

Returns:Copy of this keypoints instance.
Return type:imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage

Convert all keypoint coordinates to an array of shape (N,2).

Returns:Array containing the coordinates of all keypoints. N denotes the number of keypoints. The second axis denotes the x/y-coordinates.
Return type:(N, 2) ndarray

Get the image width.

Returns:Image width.
Return type:int
imgaug.augmentables.kps.compute_geometric_median(points=None, eps=1e-05, X=None)[source]

Estimate the geometric median of points in 2D.

Code from

  • points ((N,2) ndarray) – Points in 2D. Second axis must be given in xy-form.
  • eps (float, optional) – Distance threshold when to return the median.
  • X (None or (N,2) ndarray, optional) – Deprecated.

Geometric median as xy-coordinate.

Return type:

(2,) ndarray