
The library uses python, which must be installed. Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 are supported.

The below sections explain how to install the library in anaconda and pip. If you don’t know what anaconda (aka conda) is, simply use pip instead.

Installation in Anaconda

To install in anaconda simply perform the following commands

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install imgaug

Note that you may also use the pip-based installation commands described below. They work with and without anaconda.

To also be able to use the augmenters in imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike, you have to manually install the imagecorruptions package:

pip install imagecorruptions

Installation in pip

To install the library via pip, simply execute:

pip install imgaug

This installs the latest version from pypi.

If you encounter any problems with Shapely, try the following:

pip install six numpy scipy Pillow matplotlib scikit-image opencv-python imageio
pip install --no-dependencies imgaug

The first command installs manually all dependencies except Shapely, the second only the library. Note that Shapely is required for some operations, mainly when operating with line strings or polygons.

The version installed above is the latest official release from pypi. That release often lags behind the latest version from github by a few months. To instead install the very latest version of imgaug use

pip install git+

Independent of whether you install from pypi or github, in order to be able to use the augmenters in imgaug.augmenters.imgcorruptlike, you have to manually install the imagecorruptions package:

pip install imagecorruptions


To deinstall the library use

conda remove imgaug

on anaconda and

pip uninstall imgaug
