

Apply a canny edge detector to input images.

API link: Canny

Example. Create an augmenter that generates random blends between images and their canny edge representations:

import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
aug = iaa.Canny()

Example. Create a canny edge augmenter that generates edge images with a blending factor of max 50%, i.e. the original (non-edge) image is always at least partially visible:

aug = iaa.Canny(alpha=(0.0, 0.5))
Canny with varying alpha values

Example. Same as in the previous example, but the edge image always uses the color white for edges and black for the background:

aug = iaa.Canny(
    alpha=(0.0, 0.5),
Canny with varying alpha values and white+black edge image

Example. Create a canny edge augmenter that initially preprocesses images using a sobel filter with kernel size of either 3x3 or 13x13 and alpha-blends with result using a strength of 50% (both images equally visible) to 100% (only edge image visible).

aug = iaa.Canny(alpha=(0.5, 1.0), sobel_kernel_size=[3, 7])
Canny with varying sobel_kernel_size values

Example. Create an augmenter that blends a canny edge image with a median-blurred version of the input image. The median blur uses a fixed kernel size of 13x13 pixels.

aug = iaa.Alpha(
    (0.0, 1.0),
Blending Canny with MedianBlur