Source code for imgaug.augmentables.heatmaps

"""Classes to represent heatmaps, i.e. float arrays of ``[0.0, 1.0]``."""
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import numpy as np
import six.moves as sm

from .. import imgaug as ia
from .base import IAugmentable

[docs]class HeatmapsOnImage(IAugmentable): """Object representing heatmaps on a single image. Parameters ---------- arr : (H,W) ndarray or (H,W,C) ndarray Array representing the heatmap(s) on a single image. Multiple heatmaps may be provided, in which case ``C`` is expected to denote the heatmap index. The array must be of dtype ``float32``. shape : tuple of int Shape of the image on which the heatmap(s) is/are placed. **Not** the shape of the heatmap(s) array, unless it is identical to the image shape (note the likely difference between the arrays in the number of channels). This is expected to be ``(H, W)`` or ``(H, W, C)`` with ``C`` usually being ``3``. If there is no corresponding image, use ``(H_arr, W_arr)`` instead, where ``H_arr`` is the height of the heatmap(s) array (analogous ``W_arr``). min_value : float, optional Minimum value for the heatmaps that `arr` represents. This will usually be ``0.0``. max_value : float, optional Maximum value for the heatmaps that `arr` represents. This will usually be ``1.0``. """ def __init__(self, arr, shape, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0): """Construct a new HeatmapsOnImage object.""" assert ia.is_np_array(arr), ( "Expected numpy array as heatmap input array, " "got type %s" % (type(arr),)) # TODO maybe allow 0-sized heatmaps? in that case the min() and max() # must be adjusted assert arr.shape[0] > 0 and arr.shape[1] > 0, ( "Expected numpy array as heatmap with height and width greater " "than 0, got shape %s." % (arr.shape,)) assert in ["float32"], ( "Heatmap input array expected to be of dtype float32, " "got dtype %s." % (arr.dtype,)) assert arr.ndim in [2, 3], ( "Heatmap input array must be 2d or 3d, got shape %s." % ( arr.shape,)) assert len(shape) in [2, 3], ( "Argument 'shape' in HeatmapsOnImage expected to be 2d or 3d, " "got shape %s." % (shape,)) assert min_value < max_value, ( "Expected min_value to be lower than max_value, " "got %.4f and %.4f" % (min_value, max_value)) eps = np.finfo(arr.dtype).eps components = arr.flat[0:50] beyond_min = np.min(components) < min_value - eps beyond_max = np.max(components) > max_value + eps if beyond_min or beyond_max: ia.warn( "Value range of heatmap was chosen to be (%.8f, %.8f), but " "found actual min/max of (%.8f, %.8f). Array will be " "clipped to chosen value range." % ( min_value, max_value, np.min(arr), np.max(arr))) arr = np.clip(arr, min_value, max_value) if arr.ndim == 2: arr = arr[..., np.newaxis] self.arr_was_2d = True else: self.arr_was_2d = False min_is_zero = 0.0 - eps < min_value < 0.0 + eps max_is_one = 1.0 - eps < max_value < 1.0 + eps if min_is_zero and max_is_one: self.arr_0to1 = arr else: self.arr_0to1 = (arr - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) # don't allow arrays here as an alternative to tuples as input # as allowing arrays introduces risk to mix up 'arr' and 'shape' args self.shape = shape self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value
[docs] def get_arr(self): """Get the heatmap's array in value range provided to ``__init__()``. The :class:`HeatmapsOnImage` object saves heatmaps internally in the value range ``[0.0, 1.0]``. This function converts the internal representation to ``[min, max]``, where ``min`` and ``max`` are provided to :func:`HeatmapsOnImage.__init__` upon instantiation of the object. Returns ------- (H,W) ndarray or (H,W,C) ndarray Heatmap array of dtype ``float32``. """ if self.arr_was_2d and self.arr_0to1.shape[2] == 1: arr = self.arr_0to1[:, :, 0] else: arr = self.arr_0to1 eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps min_is_zero = 0.0 - eps < self.min_value < 0.0 + eps max_is_one = 1.0 - eps < self.max_value < 1.0 + eps if min_is_zero and max_is_one: return np.copy(arr) diff = self.max_value - self.min_value return self.min_value + diff * arr
# TODO # def find_global_maxima(self): # raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def draw(self, size=None, cmap="jet"): """Render the heatmaps as RGB images. Parameters ---------- size : None or float or iterable of int or iterable of float, optional Size of the rendered RGB image as ``(height, width)``. See :func:`~imgaug.imgaug.imresize_single_image` for details. If set to ``None``, no resizing is performed and the size of the heatmaps array is used. cmap : str or None, optional Name of the ``matplotlib`` color map to use when convert the heatmaps to RGB images. If set to ``None``, no color map will be used and the heatmaps will be converted to simple intensity maps. Returns ------- list of (H,W,3) ndarray Rendered heatmaps as ``uint8`` arrays. Always a **list** containing one RGB image per heatmap array channel. """ heatmaps_uint8 = self.to_uint8() heatmaps_drawn = [] for c in sm.xrange(heatmaps_uint8.shape[2]): # We use c:c+1 here to get a (H,W,1) array. Otherwise imresize # would have to re-attach an axis. heatmap_c = heatmaps_uint8[..., c:c+1] if size is not None: heatmap_c_rs = ia.imresize_single_image( heatmap_c, size, interpolation="nearest") else: heatmap_c_rs = heatmap_c heatmap_c_rs = np.squeeze(heatmap_c_rs).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 if cmap is not None: # import only when necessary (faster startup; optional # dependency; less fragile -- see issue #225) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cmap_func = plt.get_cmap(cmap) heatmap_cmapped = cmap_func(heatmap_c_rs) heatmap_cmapped = np.delete(heatmap_cmapped, 3, 2) else: heatmap_cmapped = np.tile( heatmap_c_rs[..., np.newaxis], (1, 1, 3)) heatmap_cmapped = np.clip( heatmap_cmapped * 255, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) heatmaps_drawn.append(heatmap_cmapped) return heatmaps_drawn
[docs] def draw_on_image(self, image, alpha=0.75, cmap="jet", resize="heatmaps"): """Draw the heatmaps as overlays over an image. Parameters ---------- image : (H,W,3) ndarray Image onto which to draw the heatmaps. Expected to be of dtype ``uint8``. alpha : float, optional Alpha/opacity value to use for the mixing of image and heatmaps. Larger values mean that the heatmaps will be more visible and the image less visible. cmap : str or None, optional Name of the ``matplotlib`` color map to use. See :func:`HeatmapsOnImage.draw` for details. resize : {'heatmaps', 'image'}, optional In case of size differences between the image and heatmaps, either the image or the heatmaps can be resized. This parameter controls which of the two will be resized to the other's size. Returns ------- list of (H,W,3) ndarray Rendered overlays as ``uint8`` arrays. Always a **list** containing one RGB image per heatmap array channel. """ # assert RGB image assert image.ndim == 3, ( "Expected to draw on three-dimensional image, " "got %d dimensions with shape %s instead." % ( image.ndim, image.shape)) assert image.shape[2] == 3, ( "Expected RGB image, got %d channels instead." % (image.shape[2],)) assert == "uint8", ( "Expected uint8 image, got dtype %s." % (,)) assert 0 - 1e-8 <= alpha <= 1.0 + 1e-8, ( "Expected 'alpha' to be in the interval [0.0, 1.0], got %.4f" % ( alpha)) assert resize in ["heatmaps", "image"], ( "Expected resize to be \"heatmaps\" or \"image\", " "got %s instead." % (resize,)) if resize == "image": image = ia.imresize_single_image( image, self.arr_0to1.shape[0:2], interpolation="cubic") heatmaps_drawn = self.draw( size=image.shape[0:2] if resize == "heatmaps" else None, cmap=cmap) # TODO use blend_alpha here mix = [ np.clip( (1-alpha) * image + alpha * heatmap_i, 0, 255 ).astype(np.uint8) for heatmap_i in heatmaps_drawn] return mix
[docs] def invert(self): """Invert each component in the heatmap. This shifts low values towards high values and vice versa. This changes each value to:: v' = max - (v - min) where ``v`` is the value at a spatial location, ``min`` is the minimum value in the heatmap and ``max`` is the maximum value. As the heatmap uses internally a ``0.0`` to ``1.0`` representation, this simply becomes ``v' = 1.0 - v``. This function can be useful e.g. when working with depth maps, where algorithms might have an easier time representing the furthest away points with zeros, requiring an inverted depth map. Returns ------- imgaug.augmentables.heatmaps.HeatmapsOnImage Inverted heatmap. """ arr_inv = HeatmapsOnImage.from_0to1( 1 - self.arr_0to1, shape=self.shape, min_value=self.min_value, max_value=self.max_value) arr_inv.arr_was_2d = self.arr_was_2d return arr_inv
[docs] def pad(self, top=0, right=0, bottom=0, left=0, mode="constant", cval=0.0): """Pad the heatmaps at their top/right/bottom/left side. Parameters ---------- top : int, optional Amount of pixels to add at the top side of the heatmaps. Must be ``0`` or greater. right : int, optional Amount of pixels to add at the right side of the heatmaps. Must be ``0`` or greater. bottom : int, optional Amount of pixels to add at the bottom side of the heatmaps. Must be ``0`` or greater. left : int, optional Amount of pixels to add at the left side of the heatmaps. Must be ``0`` or greater. mode : string, optional Padding mode to use. See :func:`~imgaug.imgaug.pad` for details. cval : number, optional Value to use for padding `mode` is ``constant``. See :func:`~imgaug.imgaug.pad` for details. Returns ------- imgaug.augmentables.heatmaps.HeatmapsOnImage Padded heatmaps of height ``H'=H+top+bottom`` and width ``W'=W+left+right``. """ from ..augmenters import size as iasize arr_0to1_padded = iasize.pad( self.arr_0to1, top=top, right=right, bottom=bottom, left=left, mode=mode, cval=cval) # TODO change to deepcopy() return HeatmapsOnImage.from_0to1( arr_0to1_padded, shape=self.shape, min_value=self.min_value, max_value=self.max_value)
[docs] def pad_to_aspect_ratio(self, aspect_ratio, mode="constant", cval=0.0, return_pad_amounts=False): """Pad the heatmaps until they match a target aspect ratio. Depending on which dimension is smaller (height or width), only the corresponding sides (left/right or top/bottom) will be padded. In each case, both of the sides will be padded equally. Parameters ---------- aspect_ratio : float Target aspect ratio, given as width/height. E.g. ``2.0`` denotes the image having twice as much width as height. mode : str, optional Padding mode to use. See :func:`~imgaug.imgaug.pad` for details. cval : number, optional Value to use for padding if `mode` is ``constant``. See :func:`~imgaug.imgaug.pad` for details. return_pad_amounts : bool, optional If ``False``, then only the padded instance will be returned. If ``True``, a tuple with two entries will be returned, where the first entry is the padded instance and the second entry are the amounts by which each array side was padded. These amounts are again a tuple of the form ``(top, right, bottom, left)``, with each value being an integer. Returns ------- imgaug.augmentables.heatmaps.HeatmapsOnImage Padded heatmaps as :class:`HeatmapsOnImage` instance. tuple of int Amounts by which the instance's array was padded on each side, given as a tuple ``(top, right, bottom, left)``. This tuple is only returned if `return_pad_amounts` was set to ``True``. """ from ..augmenters import size as iasize arr_0to1_padded, pad_amounts = iasize.pad_to_aspect_ratio( self.arr_0to1, aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio, mode=mode, cval=cval, return_pad_amounts=True) # TODO change to deepcopy() heatmaps = HeatmapsOnImage.from_0to1( arr_0to1_padded, shape=self.shape, min_value=self.min_value, max_value=self.max_value) if return_pad_amounts: return heatmaps, pad_amounts return heatmaps
[docs] def avg_pool(self, block_size): """Average-pool the heatmap(s) array using a given block/kernel size. Parameters ---------- block_size : int or tuple of int Size of each block of values to pool, aka kernel size. See :func:`~imgaug.imgaug.pool` for details. Returns ------- imgaug.augmentables.heatmaps.HeatmapsOnImage Heatmaps after average pooling. """ arr_0to1_reduced = ia.avg_pool(self.arr_0to1, block_size, pad_cval=0.0) return HeatmapsOnImage.from_0to1( arr_0to1_reduced, shape=self.shape, min_value=self.min_value, max_value=self.max_value)
[docs] def max_pool(self, block_size): """Max-pool the heatmap(s) array using a given block/kernel size. Parameters ---------- block_size : int or tuple of int Size of each block of values to pool, aka kernel size. See :func:`~imgaug.imgaug.pool` for details. Returns ------- imgaug.augmentables.heatmaps.HeatmapsOnImage Heatmaps after max-pooling. """ arr_0to1_reduced = ia.max_pool(self.arr_0to1, block_size) return HeatmapsOnImage.from_0to1( arr_0to1_reduced, shape=self.shape, min_value=self.min_value, max_value=self.max_value)
[docs] @ia.deprecated(alt_func="HeatmapsOnImage.resize()", comment="resize() has the exactly same interface.") def scale(self, *args, **kwargs): """Resize the heatmap(s) array given a target size and interpolation.""" return self.resize(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def resize(self, sizes, interpolation="cubic"): """Resize the heatmap(s) array given a target size and interpolation. Parameters ---------- sizes : float or iterable of int or iterable of float New size of the array in ``(height, width)``. See :func:`~imgaug.imgaug.imresize_single_image` for details. interpolation : None or str or int, optional The interpolation to use during resize. See :func:`~imgaug.imgaug.imresize_single_image` for details. Returns ------- imgaug.augmentables.heatmaps.HeatmapsOnImage Resized heatmaps object. """ arr_0to1_resized = ia.imresize_single_image( self.arr_0to1, sizes, interpolation=interpolation) # cubic interpolation can lead to values outside of [0.0, 1.0], # see # TODO area interpolation too? arr_0to1_resized = np.clip(arr_0to1_resized, 0.0, 1.0) return HeatmapsOnImage.from_0to1( arr_0to1_resized, shape=self.shape, min_value=self.min_value, max_value=self.max_value)
[docs] def to_uint8(self): """Convert this heatmaps object to an ``uint8`` array. Returns ------- (H,W,C) ndarray Heatmap as an ``uint8`` array, i.e. with the discrete value range ``[0, 255]``. """ # TODO this always returns (H,W,C), even if input ndarray was # originally (H,W). Does it make sense here to also return # (H,W) if self.arr_was_2d? arr_0to255 = np.clip(np.round(self.arr_0to1 * 255), 0, 255) arr_uint8 = arr_0to255.astype(np.uint8) return arr_uint8
[docs] @staticmethod def from_uint8(arr_uint8, shape, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0): """Create a ``float``-based heatmaps object from an ``uint8`` array. Parameters ---------- arr_uint8 : (H,W) ndarray or (H,W,C) ndarray Heatmap(s) array, where ``H`` is height, ``W`` is width and ``C`` is the number of heatmap channels. Expected dtype is ``uint8``. shape : tuple of int Shape of the image on which the heatmap(s) is/are placed. **Not** the shape of the heatmap(s) array, unless it is identical to the image shape (note the likely difference between the arrays in the number of channels). If there is not a corresponding image, use the shape of the heatmaps array. min_value : float, optional Minimum value of the float heatmaps that the input array represents. This will usually be 0.0. In most other cases it will be close to the interval ``[0.0, 1.0]``. Calling :func:`~imgaug.HeatmapsOnImage.get_arr`, will automatically convert the interval ``[0.0, 1.0]`` float array to this ``[min, max]`` interval. max_value : float, optional Minimum value of the float heatmaps that the input array represents. This will usually be 1.0. See parameter `min_value` for details. Returns ------- imgaug.augmentables.heatmaps.HeatmapsOnImage Heatmaps object. """ arr_0to1 = arr_uint8.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 return HeatmapsOnImage.from_0to1( arr_0to1, shape, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_0to1(arr_0to1, shape, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0): """Create a heatmaps object from a ``[0.0, 1.0]`` float array. Parameters ---------- arr_0to1 : (H,W) or (H,W,C) ndarray Heatmap(s) array, where ``H`` is the height, ``W`` is the width and ``C`` is the number of heatmap channels. Expected dtype is ``float32``. shape : tuple of ints Shape of the image on which the heatmap(s) is/are placed. **Not** the shape of the heatmap(s) array, unless it is identical to the image shape (note the likely difference between the arrays in the number of channels). If there is not a corresponding image, use the shape of the heatmaps array. min_value : float, optional Minimum value of the float heatmaps that the input array represents. This will usually be 0.0. In most other cases it will be close to the interval ``[0.0, 1.0]``. Calling :func:`~imgaug.HeatmapsOnImage.get_arr`, will automatically convert the interval ``[0.0, 1.0]`` float array to this ``[min, max]`` interval. max_value : float, optional Minimum value of the float heatmaps that the input array represents. This will usually be 1.0. See parameter `min_value` for details. Returns ------- imgaug.augmentables.heatmaps.HeatmapsOnImage Heatmaps object. """ heatmaps = HeatmapsOnImage(arr_0to1, shape, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0) heatmaps.min_value = min_value heatmaps.max_value = max_value return heatmaps
# TODO change name to change_value_range()?
[docs] @classmethod def change_normalization(cls, arr, source, target): """Change the value range of a heatmap array. E.g. the value range may be changed from the interval ``[0.0, 1.0]`` to ``[-1.0, 1.0]``. Parameters ---------- arr : ndarray Heatmap array to modify. source : tuple of float Current value range of the input array, given as a tuple ``(min, max)``, where both are ``float`` values. target : tuple of float Desired output value range of the array, given as a tuple ``(min, max)``, where both are ``float`` values. Returns ------- ndarray Input array, with value range projected to the desired target value range. """ assert ia.is_np_array(arr), ( "Expected 'arr' to be an ndarray, got type %s." % (type(arr),)) def _validate_tuple(arg_name, arg_value): assert isinstance(arg_value, tuple), ( "'%s' was not a HeatmapsOnImage instance, " "expected type tuple then. Got type %s." % ( arg_name, type(arg_value),)) assert len(arg_value) == 2, ( "Expected tuple '%s' to contain exactly two entries, " "got %d." % (arg_name, len(arg_value),)) assert arg_value[0] < arg_value[1], ( "Expected tuple '%s' to have two entries with " "entry 1 < entry 2, got values %.4f and %.4f." % ( arg_name, arg_value[0], arg_value[1])) if isinstance(source, HeatmapsOnImage): source = (source.min_value, source.max_value) else: _validate_tuple("source", source) if isinstance(target, HeatmapsOnImage): target = (target.min_value, target.max_value) else: _validate_tuple("target", target) # Check if source and target are the same (with a tiny bit of # tolerance) if so, evade compuation and just copy the array instead. # This is reasonable, as source and target will often both # be (0.0, 1.0). eps = np.finfo(arr.dtype).eps mins_same = source[0] - 10*eps < target[0] < source[0] + 10*eps maxs_same = source[1] - 10*eps < target[1] < source[1] + 10*eps if mins_same and maxs_same: return np.copy(arr) min_source, max_source = source min_target, max_target = target diff_source = max_source - min_source diff_target = max_target - min_target arr_0to1 = (arr - min_source) / diff_source arr_target = min_target + arr_0to1 * diff_target return arr_target
# TODO make this a proper shallow-copy
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a shallow copy of the heatmaps object. Returns ------- imgaug.augmentables.heatmaps.HeatmapsOnImage Shallow copy. """ return self.deepcopy()
[docs] def deepcopy(self): """Create a deep copy of the heatmaps object. Returns ------- imgaug.augmentables.heatmaps.HeatmapsOnImage Deep copy. """ return HeatmapsOnImage( self.get_arr(), shape=self.shape, min_value=self.min_value, max_value=self.max_value)