Source code for imgaug.random

"""Classes and functions related to pseudo-random number generation.

This module deals with the generation of pseudo-random numbers.
It provides the :class:`~imgaug.random.RNG` class, which is the primary
random number generator in ``imgaug``. It also provides various utility
functions related random number generation, such as copying random number
generators or setting their state.

The main benefit of this module is to hide the actually used random number
generation classes and methods behin imgaug-specific classes and methods.
This allows to deal with numpy using two different interfaces (one old
interface in numpy <=1.16 and a new one in numpy 1.17+). It also allows
to potentially switch to a different framework/library in the future.


- *numpy generator* or *numpy random number generator*: Usually an instance
  of :class:`numpy.random.Generator`. Can often also denote an instance
  of :class:`numpy.random.RandomState` as both have almost the same interface.
- *RandomState*: An instance of `numpy.random.RandomState`.
  Note that outside of this module, the term "random state" often roughly
  translates to "any random number generator with numpy-like interface
  in a given state", i.e. it can then include instances of
  :class:`numpy.random.Generator` or :class:`~imgaug.random.RNG`.
- *RNG*: An instance of :class:`~imgaug.random.RNG`.


>>> import imgaug.random as iarandom
>>> rng = iarandom.RNG(1234)
>>> rng.integers(0, 1000)

Initialize a random number generator with seed ``1234``, then sample
a single integer from the discrete interval ``[0, 1000)``.
This will use a :class:`numpy.random.Generator` in numpy 1.17+ and
automatically fall back to :class:`numpy.random.RandomState` in numpy <=1.16.

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import copy as copylib

import numpy as np
import six.moves as sm

# Check if numpy is version 1.17 or later. In that version, the new random
# number interface was added.
# Note that a valid version number can also be "1.18.0.dev0+285ab1d",
# in which the last component cannot easily be converted to an int. Hence we
# only pick the first two components.
_NP_VERSION = list(map(int, np.__version__.split(".")[0:2]))
if _NP_VERSION[0] > 1 or _NP_VERSION[1] >= 17:
    BIT_GENERATOR = np.random.SFC64  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    # interface of BitGenerator
    # in 1.17 this was at numpy.random.bit_generator.BitGenerator
    # in 1.18 this was moved to numpy.random.BitGenerator
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name, no-member
    if _NP_VERSION[1] == 17:
        # Added in 0.4.0.
        _BIT_GENERATOR_INTERFACE = np.random.bit_generator.BitGenerator
        # Added in 0.4.0.
        _BIT_GENERATOR_INTERFACE = np.random.BitGenerator
    # pylint: enable=invalid-name, no-member

# We instantiate a current/global random state here once.

# use 2**31 instead of 2**32 as the maximum here, because 2**31 errored on
# some systems
SEED_MAX_VALUE = 2**31-1

# TODO decrease pool_size in SeedSequence to 2 or 1?
# TODO add 'with resetted_rng(...)'
# TODO change random_state to rng or seed

[docs]class RNG(object): """ Random number generator for imgaug. This class is a wrapper around ``numpy.random.Generator`` and automatically falls back to ``numpy.random.RandomState`` in case of numpy version 1.16 or lower. It allows to use numpy 1.17's sampling functions in 1.16 too and supports a variety of useful functions on the wrapped sampler, e.g. gettings its state or copying it. Not supported sampling functions of numpy <=1.16: * :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.rand` * :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.randn` * :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.randint` * :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.random_integers` * :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.random_sample` * :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.ranf` * :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.sample` * :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.seed` * :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.get_state` * :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.set_state` In :func:`~imgaug.random.RNG.choice`, the `axis` argument is not yet supported. Parameters ---------- generator : None or int or RNG or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState The numpy random number generator to use. In case of numpy version 1.17 or later, this shouldn't be a ``RandomState`` as that class is outdated. Behaviour for different datatypes: * If ``None``: The global RNG is wrapped by this RNG (they are then effectively identical, any sampling on this RNG will affect the global RNG). * If ``int``: In numpy 1.17+, the value is used as a seed for a ``Generator`` wrapped by this RNG. I.e. it will be provided as the entropy to a ``SeedSequence``, which will then be used for an ``SFC64`` bit generator and wrapped by a ``Generator``. In numpy <=1.16, the value is used as a seed for a ``RandomState``, which is then wrapped by this RNG. * If :class:`RNG`: That RNG's ``generator`` attribute will be used as the generator for this RNG, i.e. the same as ``RNG(other_rng.generator)``. * If :class:`numpy.random.Generator`: That generator will be wrapped. * If :class:`numpy.random.BitGenerator`: A numpy generator will be created (and wrapped by this RNG) that contains the bit generator. * If :class:`numpy.random.SeedSequence`: A numpy generator will be created (and wrapped by this RNG) that contains an ``SFC64`` bit generator initialized with the given ``SeedSequence``. * If :class:`numpy.random.RandomState`: In numpy <=1.16, this ``RandomState`` will be wrapped and used to sample random values. In numpy 1.17+, a seed will be derived from this ``RandomState`` and a new ``numpy.generator.Generator`` based on an ``SFC64`` bit generator will be created and wrapped by this RNG. """ # TODO add maybe a __new__ here that feeds-through an RNG input without # wrapping it in RNG(rng_input)? def __init__(self, generator): if isinstance(generator, RNG): self.generator = generator.generator else: self.generator = normalize_generator_(generator) self._is_new_rng_style = ( not isinstance(self.generator, np.random.RandomState)) @property def state(self): """Get the state of this RNG. Returns ------- tuple or dict The state of the RNG. In numpy 1.17+, the bit generator's state will be returned. In numpy <=1.16, the ``RandomState`` 's state is returned. In both cases the state is a copy. In-place changes will not affect the RNG. """ return get_generator_state(self.generator) @state.setter def state(self, value): """Set the state if the RNG in-place. Parameters ---------- value : tuple or dict The new state of the RNG. Should correspond to the output of the ``state`` property. """ self.set_state_(value)
[docs] def set_state_(self, value): """Set the state if the RNG in-place. Parameters ---------- value : tuple or dict The new state of the RNG. Should correspond to the output of the ``state`` property. Returns ------- RNG The RNG itself. """ set_generator_state_(self.generator, value) return self
[docs] def use_state_of_(self, other): """Copy and use (in-place) the state of another RNG. .. note:: It is often sensible to first verify that neither this RNG nor `other` are identical to the global RNG. Parameters ---------- other : RNG The other RNG, which's state will be copied. Returns ------- RNG The RNG itself. """ return self.set_state_(other.state)
[docs] def is_global_rng(self): """Estimate whether this RNG is identical to the global RNG. Returns ------- bool ``True`` is this RNG's underlying generator is identical to the global RNG's underlying generator. The RNGs themselves may be different, only the wrapped generator matters. ``False`` otherwise. """ # We use .generator here, because otherwise RNG(global_rng) would be # viewed as not-identical to the global RNG, even though its generator # and bit generator are identical. return get_global_rng().generator is self.generator
[docs] def equals_global_rng(self): """Estimate whether this RNG has the same state as the global RNG. Returns ------- bool ``True`` is this RNG has the same state as the global RNG, i.e. it will lead to the same sampled values given the same sampling method calls. The RNGs *don't* have to be identical object instances, which protects against e.g. copy effects. ``False`` otherwise. """ return get_global_rng().equals(self)
[docs] def generate_seed_(self): """Sample a random seed. This advances the underlying generator's state. See ``SEED_MIN_VALUE`` and ``SEED_MAX_VALUE`` for the seed's value range. Returns ------- int The sampled seed. """ return generate_seed_(self.generator)
[docs] def generate_seeds_(self, n): """Generate `n` random seed values. This advances the underlying generator's state. See ``SEED_MIN_VALUE`` and ``SEED_MAX_VALUE`` for the seed's value range. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of seeds to sample. Returns ------- ndarray 1D-array of ``int32`` seeds. """ return generate_seeds_(self.generator, n)
[docs] def reset_cache_(self): """Reset all cache of this RNG. Returns ------- RNG The RNG itself. """ reset_generator_cache_(self.generator) return self
[docs] def derive_rng_(self): """Create a child RNG. This advances the underlying generator's state. Returns ------- RNG A child RNG. """ return self.derive_rngs_(1)[0]
[docs] def derive_rngs_(self, n): """Create `n` child RNGs. This advances the underlying generator's state. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of child RNGs to derive. Returns ------- list of RNG Child RNGs. """ return [RNG(gen) for gen in derive_generators_(self.generator, n)]
[docs] def equals(self, other): """Estimate whether this RNG and `other` have the same state. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if this RNG's generator and the generator of `other` have equal internal states. ``False`` otherwise. """ assert isinstance(other, RNG), ( "Expected 'other' to be an RNG, got type %s. " "Use imgaug.random.is_generator_equal_to() to compare " "numpy generators or RandomStates." % (type(other),)) return is_generator_equal_to(self.generator, other.generator)
[docs] def advance_(self): """Advance the RNG's internal state in-place by one step. This advances the underlying generator's state. .. note:: This simply samples one or more random values. This means that a call of this method will not completely change the outputs of the next called sampling method. To achieve more drastic output changes, call :func:`~imgaug.random.RNG.derive_rng_`. Returns ------- RNG The RNG itself. """ advance_generator_(self.generator) return self
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a copy of this RNG. Returns ------- RNG Copy of this RNG. The copy will produce the same random samples. """ return RNG(copy_generator(self.generator))
[docs] def copy_unless_global_rng(self): """Create a copy of this RNG unless it is the global RNG. Returns ------- RNG Copy of this RNG unless it is the global RNG. In the latter case the RNG instance itself will be returned without any changes. """ if self.is_global_rng(): return self return self.copy()
[docs] def duplicate(self, n): """Create a list containing `n` times this RNG. This method was mainly introduced as a replacement for previous calls of :func:`~imgaug.random.RNG.derive_rngs_`. These calls turned out to be very slow in numpy 1.17+ and were hence replaced by simple duplication (except for the cases where child RNGs absolutely *had* to be created). This RNG duplication method doesn't help very much against code repetition, but it does *mark* the points where it would be desirable to create child RNGs for various reasons. Once deriving child RNGs is somehow sped up in the future, these calls can again be easily found and replaced. Parameters ---------- n : int Length of the output list. Returns ------- list of RNG List containing `n` times this RNG (same instances, no copies). """ return [self for _ in sm.xrange(n)]
[docs] @classmethod def create_fully_random(cls): """Create a new RNG, based on entropy provided from the OS. Returns ------- RNG A new RNG. It is not derived from any other previously created RNG, nor does it depend on the seeding of imgaug or numpy. """ return RNG(create_fully_random_generator())
[docs] @classmethod def create_pseudo_random_(cls): """Create a new RNG in pseudo-random fashion. A seed will be sampled from the current global RNG and used to initialize the new RNG. This advandes the global RNG's state. Returns ------- RNG A new RNG, derived from the current global RNG. """ return get_global_rng().derive_rng_()
########################################################################### # Below: # Aliases for methods of numpy.random.Generator functions # # The methods below could also be handled with less code using some magic # methods. Explicitly writing things down here has the advantage that # the methods actually appear in the autogenerated API. ###########################################################################
[docs] def integers(self, low, high=None, size=None, dtype="int32", endpoint=False): """Call numpy's ``integers()`` or ``randint()``. .. note:: Changed `dtype` argument default value from numpy's ``int64`` to ``int32``. """ return polyfill_integers( self.generator, low=low, high=high, size=size, dtype=dtype, endpoint=endpoint)
[docs] def random(self, size, dtype="float32", out=None): """Call numpy's ``random()`` or ``random_sample()``. .. note:: Changed `dtype` argument default value from numpy's ``d`` to ``float32``. """ return polyfill_random( self.generator, size=size, dtype=dtype, out=out)
# TODO add support for Generator's 'axis' argument
[docs] def choice(self, a, size=None, replace=True, p=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.choice`.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self.generator.choice(a=a, size=size, replace=replace, p=p)
[docs] def bytes(self, length): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.bytes`.""" return self.generator.bytes(length=length)
# TODO mark in-place
[docs] def shuffle(self, x): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.shuffle`.""" # note that shuffle() does not allow keyword arguments # note that shuffle() works in-place self.generator.shuffle(x)
[docs] def permutation(self, x): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.permutation`.""" # note that permutation() does not allow keyword arguments return self.generator.permutation(x)
[docs] def beta(self, a, b, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.beta`.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self.generator.beta(a=a, b=b, size=size)
[docs] def binomial(self, n, p, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.binomial`.""" return self.generator.binomial(n=n, p=p, size=size)
[docs] def chisquare(self, df, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.chisquare`.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self.generator.chisquare(df=df, size=size)
[docs] def dirichlet(self, alpha, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.dirichlet`.""" return self.generator.dirichlet(alpha=alpha, size=size)
[docs] def exponential(self, scale=1.0, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.exponential`.""" return self.generator.exponential(scale=scale, size=size)
[docs] def f(self, dfnum, dfden, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.f`.""" return self.generator.f(dfnum=dfnum, dfden=dfden, size=size)
[docs] def gamma(self, shape, scale=1.0, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.gamma`.""" return self.generator.gamma(shape=shape, scale=scale, size=size)
[docs] def geometric(self, p, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.geometric`.""" return self.generator.geometric(p=p, size=size)
[docs] def gumbel(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.gumbel`.""" return self.generator.gumbel(loc=loc, scale=scale, size=size)
[docs] def hypergeometric(self, ngood, nbad, nsample, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.hypergeometric`.""" return self.generator.hypergeometric( ngood=ngood, nbad=nbad, nsample=nsample, size=size)
[docs] def laplace(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.laplace`.""" return self.generator.laplace(loc=loc, scale=scale, size=size)
[docs] def logistic(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.logistic`.""" return self.generator.logistic(loc=loc, scale=scale, size=size)
[docs] def lognormal(self, mean=0.0, sigma=1.0, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.lognormal`.""" return self.generator.lognormal(mean=mean, sigma=sigma, size=size)
[docs] def logseries(self, p, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.logseries`.""" return self.generator.logseries(p=p, size=size)
[docs] def multinomial(self, n, pvals, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.multinomial`.""" return self.generator.multinomial(n=n, pvals=pvals, size=size)
[docs] def multivariate_normal(self, mean, cov, size=None, check_valid="warn", tol=1e-8): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.multivariate_normal`.""" return self.generator.multivariate_normal( mean=mean, cov=cov, size=size, check_valid=check_valid, tol=tol)
[docs] def negative_binomial(self, n, p, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.negative_binomial`.""" return self.generator.negative_binomial(n=n, p=p, size=size)
[docs] def noncentral_chisquare(self, df, nonc, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.noncentral_chisquare`.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self.generator.noncentral_chisquare(df=df, nonc=nonc, size=size)
[docs] def noncentral_f(self, dfnum, dfden, nonc, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.noncentral_f`.""" return self.generator.noncentral_f( dfnum=dfnum, dfden=dfden, nonc=nonc, size=size)
[docs] def normal(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.normal`.""" return self.generator.normal(loc=loc, scale=scale, size=size)
[docs] def pareto(self, a, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.pareto`.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self.generator.pareto(a=a, size=size)
[docs] def poisson(self, lam=1.0, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.poisson`.""" return self.generator.poisson(lam=lam, size=size)
[docs] def power(self, a, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.power`.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self.generator.power(a=a, size=size)
[docs] def rayleigh(self, scale=1.0, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.rayleigh`.""" return self.generator.rayleigh(scale=scale, size=size)
[docs] def standard_cauchy(self, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.standard_cauchy`.""" return self.generator.standard_cauchy(size=size)
[docs] def standard_exponential(self, size=None, dtype="float32", method="zig", out=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.standard_exponential`. .. note:: Changed `dtype` argument default value from numpy's ``d`` to ``float32``. """ if self._is_new_rng_style: return self.generator.standard_exponential( size=size, dtype=dtype, method=method, out=out) result = self.generator.standard_exponential(size=size).astype(dtype) if out is not None: assert ==, ( "Expected out array to have the same dtype as " "standard_exponential()'s result array. Got %s (out) and " "%s (result) instead." % (, out[...] = result return result
[docs] def standard_gamma(self, shape, size=None, dtype="float32", out=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.standard_gamma`. .. note:: Changed `dtype` argument default value from numpy's ``d`` to ``float32``. """ if self._is_new_rng_style: return self.generator.standard_gamma( shape=shape, size=size, dtype=dtype, out=out) result = self.generator.standard_gamma( shape=shape, size=size).astype(dtype) if out is not None: assert ==, ( "Expected out array to have the same dtype as " "standard_gamma()'s result array. Got %s (out) and " "%s (result) instead." % (, out[...] = result return result
[docs] def standard_normal(self, size=None, dtype="float32", out=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.standard_normal`. .. note:: Changed `dtype` argument default value from numpy's ``d`` to ``float32``. """ if self._is_new_rng_style: return self.generator.standard_normal( size=size, dtype=dtype, out=out) result = self.generator.standard_normal(size=size).astype(dtype) if out is not None: assert ==, ( "Expected out array to have the same dtype as " "standard_normal()'s result array. Got %s (out) and " "%s (result) instead." % (, out[...] = result return result
[docs] def standard_t(self, df, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.standard_t`.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self.generator.standard_t(df=df, size=size)
[docs] def triangular(self, left, mode, right, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.triangular`.""" return self.generator.triangular( left=left, mode=mode, right=right, size=size)
[docs] def uniform(self, low=0.0, high=1.0, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.uniform`.""" return self.generator.uniform(low=low, high=high, size=size)
[docs] def vonmises(self, mu, kappa, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.vonmises`.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self.generator.vonmises(mu=mu, kappa=kappa, size=size)
[docs] def wald(self, mean, scale, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.wald`.""" return self.generator.wald(mean=mean, scale=scale, size=size)
[docs] def weibull(self, a, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.weibull`.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self.generator.weibull(a=a, size=size)
[docs] def zipf(self, a, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.Generator.zipf`.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name return self.generator.zipf(a=a, size=size)
################################################################## # Outdated methods from RandomState # These are added here for backwards compatibility in case of old # custom augmenters and Lambda calls that rely on the RandomState # API. ##################################################################
[docs] def rand(self, *args): """Call :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.rand`. .. warning:: This method is outdated in numpy. Use :func:`RNG.random` instead. Added in 0.4.0. """ return self.random(size=args)
[docs] def randint(self, low, high=None, size=None, dtype="int32"): """Call :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.randint`. .. note:: Changed `dtype` argument default value from numpy's ``I`` to ``int32``. .. warning:: This method is outdated in numpy. Use :func:`RNG.integers` instead. Added in 0.4.0. """ return self.integers(low=low, high=high, size=size, dtype=dtype, endpoint=False)
[docs] def randn(self, *args): """Call :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.randn`. .. warning:: This method is outdated in numpy. Use :func:`RNG.standard_normal` instead. Added in 0.4.0. """ return self.standard_normal(size=args)
[docs] def random_integers(self, low, high=None, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.random_integers`. .. warning:: This method is outdated in numpy. Use :func:`RNG.integers` instead. Added in 0.4.0. """ if high is None: return self.integers(low=1, high=low, size=size, endpoint=True) return self.integers(low=low, high=high, size=size, endpoint=True)
[docs] def random_sample(self, size): """Call :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.random_sample`. .. warning:: This method is outdated in numpy. Use :func:`RNG.uniform` instead. Added in 0.4.0. """ return self.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=size)
[docs] def tomaxint(self, size=None): """Call :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.tomaxint`. .. warning:: This method is outdated in numpy. Use :func:`RNG.integers` instead. Added in 0.4.0. """ import sys maxint = sys.maxsize int32max = np.iinfo(np.int32).max return self.integers(0, min(maxint, int32max), size=size, endpoint=True)
[docs]def supports_new_numpy_rng_style(): """ Determine whether numpy supports the new ``random`` interface (v1.17+). Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the new ``random`` interface is supported by numpy, i.e. if numpy has version 1.17 or later. Otherwise ``False``, i.e. numpy has version 1.16 or older and ``numpy.random.RandomState`` should be used instead. """ return SUPPORTS_NEW_NP_RNG_STYLE
[docs]def get_global_rng(): """ Get or create the current global RNG of imgaug. Note that the first call to this function will create a global RNG. Returns ------- RNG The global RNG to use. """ # TODO change global_rng to singleton # pylint: disable=global-statement, redefined-outer-name global GLOBAL_RNG if GLOBAL_RNG is None: # This uses numpy's random state to sample a seed. # Alternatively, `secrets.randbits(n_bits)` (3.6+) and # `os.urandom(n_bytes)` could be used. # See # for an explanation how random.seed() picks a random seed value. seed = generate_seed_(np.random) GLOBAL_RNG = RNG(convert_seed_to_generator(seed)) return GLOBAL_RNG
# This is an in-place operation, but does not use a trailing slash to indicate # that in order to match the interface of `random` and `numpy.random`.
[docs]def seed(entropy): """Set the seed of imgaug's global RNG (in-place). The global RNG controls most of the "randomness" in imgaug. The global RNG is the default one used by all augmenters. Under special circumstances (e.g. when an augmenter is switched to deterministic mode), the global RNG is replaced with a local one. The state of that replacement may be dependent on the global RNG's state at the time of creating the child RNG. Parameters ---------- entropy : int The seed value to use. """ if SUPPORTS_NEW_NP_RNG_STYLE: _seed_np117_(entropy) else: _seed_np116_(entropy)
def _seed_np117_(entropy): # We can't easily seed a BitGenerator in-place, nor can we easily modify # a Generator's bit_generator in-place. So instead we create a new # bit generator and set the current global RNG's internal bit generator # state to a copy of the new bit generator's state. get_global_rng().state = BIT_GENERATOR(entropy).state def _seed_np116_(entropy): get_global_rng().generator.seed(entropy)
[docs]def normalize_generator(generator): """Normalize various inputs to a numpy (random number) generator. This function will first copy the provided argument, i.e. it never returns a provided instance itself. Parameters ---------- generator : None or int or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState The numpy random number generator to normalize. In case of numpy version 1.17 or later, this shouldn't be a ``RandomState`` as that class is outdated. Behaviour for different datatypes: * If ``None``: The global RNG's generator is returned. * If ``int``: In numpy 1.17+, the value is used as a seed for a ``Generator``, i.e. it will be provided as the entropy to a ``SeedSequence``, which will then be used for an ``SFC64`` bit generator and wrapped by a ``Generator``, which is then returned. In numpy <=1.16, the value is used as a seed for a ``RandomState``, which will then be returned. * If :class:`numpy.random.Generator`: That generator will be returned. * If :class:`numpy.random.BitGenerator`: A numpy generator will be created and returned that contains the bit generator. * If :class:`numpy.random.SeedSequence`: A numpy generator will be created and returned that contains an ``SFC64`` bit generator initialized with the given ``SeedSequence``. * If :class:`numpy.random.RandomState`: In numpy <=1.16, this ``RandomState`` will be returned. In numpy 1.17+, a seed will be derived from this ``RandomState`` and a new ``numpy.generator.Generator`` based on an ``SFC64`` bit generator will be created and returned. Returns ------- numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState In numpy <=1.16 a ``RandomState``, in 1.17+ a ``Generator`` (even if the input was a ``RandomState``). """ return normalize_generator_(copylib.deepcopy(generator))
[docs]def normalize_generator_(generator): """Normalize in-place various inputs to a numpy (random number) generator. This function will try to return the provided instance itself. Parameters ---------- generator : None or int or numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.BitGenerator or numpy.random.SeedSequence or numpy.random.RandomState See :func:`~imgaug.random.normalize_generator`. Returns ------- numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState In numpy <=1.16 a ``RandomState``, in 1.17+ a ``Generator`` (even if the input was a ``RandomState``). """ if not SUPPORTS_NEW_NP_RNG_STYLE: return _normalize_generator_np116_(generator) return _normalize_generator_np117_(generator)
def _normalize_generator_np117_(generator): if generator is None: return get_global_rng().generator if isinstance(generator, np.random.SeedSequence): return np.random.Generator( BIT_GENERATOR(generator) ) if isinstance(generator, _BIT_GENERATOR_INTERFACE): generator = np.random.Generator(generator) # TODO is it necessary/sensible here to reset the cache? reset_generator_cache_(generator) return generator if isinstance(generator, np.random.Generator): # TODO is it necessary/sensible here to reset the cache? reset_generator_cache_(generator) return generator if isinstance(generator, np.random.RandomState): # TODO warn # TODO reset the cache here too? return convert_seed_to_generator(generate_seed_(generator)) # seed given seed_ = generator return convert_seed_to_generator(seed_) def _normalize_generator_np116_(random_state): if random_state is None: return get_global_rng().generator if isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState): # TODO reset the cache here, like in np117? return random_state # seed given seed_ = random_state return convert_seed_to_generator(seed_)
[docs]def convert_seed_to_generator(entropy): """Convert a seed value to a numpy (random number) generator. Parameters ---------- entropy : int The seed value to use. Returns ------- numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState In numpy <=1.16 a ``RandomState``, in 1.17+ a ``Generator``. Both are initialized with the provided seed. """ if not SUPPORTS_NEW_NP_RNG_STYLE: return _convert_seed_to_generator_np116(entropy) return _convert_seed_to_generator_np117(entropy)
def _convert_seed_to_generator_np117(entropy): seed_sequence = np.random.SeedSequence(entropy) return convert_seed_sequence_to_generator(seed_sequence) def _convert_seed_to_generator_np116(entropy): return np.random.RandomState(entropy)
[docs]def convert_seed_sequence_to_generator(seed_sequence): """Convert a seed sequence to a numpy (random number) generator. Parameters ---------- seed_sequence : numpy.random.SeedSequence The seed value to use. Returns ------- numpy.random.Generator Generator initialized with the provided seed sequence. """ return np.random.Generator(BIT_GENERATOR(seed_sequence))
[docs]def create_pseudo_random_generator_(): """Create a new numpy (random) generator, derived from the global RNG. This function advances the global RNG's state. Returns ------- numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState In numpy <=1.16 a ``RandomState``, in 1.17+ a ``Generator``. Both are initialized with a seed sampled from the global RNG. """ # could also use derive_rng(get_global_rng()) here random_seed = generate_seed_(get_global_rng().generator) return convert_seed_to_generator(random_seed)
[docs]def create_fully_random_generator(): """Create a new numpy (random) generator, derived from OS's entropy. Returns ------- numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState In numpy <=1.16 a ``RandomState``, in 1.17+ a ``Generator``. Both are initialized with entropy requested from the OS. They are hence independent of entered seeds or the library's global RNG. """ if not SUPPORTS_NEW_NP_RNG_STYLE: return _create_fully_random_generator_np116() return _create_fully_random_generator_np117()
def _create_fully_random_generator_np117(): # TODO need entropy here? return np.random.Generator(np.random.SFC64()) def _create_fully_random_generator_np116(): return np.random.RandomState()
[docs]def generate_seed_(generator): """Sample a seed from the provided generator. This function advances the generator's state. See ``SEED_MIN_VALUE`` and ``SEED_MAX_VALUE`` for the seed's value range. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState The generator from which to sample the seed. Returns ------- int The sampled seed. """ return generate_seeds_(generator, 1)[0]
[docs]def generate_seeds_(generator, n): """Sample `n` seeds from the provided generator. This function advances the generator's state. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState The generator from which to sample the seed. n : int Number of seeds to sample. Returns ------- ndarray 1D-array of ``int32`` seeds. """ return polyfill_integers(generator, SEED_MIN_VALUE, SEED_MAX_VALUE, size=(n,))
[docs]def copy_generator(generator): """Copy an existing numpy (random number) generator. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState The generator to copy. Returns ------- numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState In numpy <=1.16 a ``RandomState``, in 1.17+ a ``Generator``. Both are copies of the input argument. """ if isinstance(generator, np.random.RandomState): return _copy_generator_np116(generator) return _copy_generator_np117(generator)
def _copy_generator_np117(generator): # TODO not sure if it is enough to only copy the state # TODO initializing a bit gen and then copying the state might be slower # then just deepcopying the whole thing old_bit_gen = generator.bit_generator new_bit_gen = old_bit_gen.__class__(1) new_bit_gen.state = copylib.deepcopy(old_bit_gen.state) return np.random.Generator(new_bit_gen) def _copy_generator_np116(random_state): rs_copy = np.random.RandomState(1) state = random_state.get_state() rs_copy.set_state(state) return rs_copy
[docs]def copy_generator_unless_global_generator(generator): """Copy a numpy generator unless it is the current global generator. "global generator" here denotes the generator contained in the global RNG's ``.generator`` attribute. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState The generator to copy. Returns ------- numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState In numpy <=1.16 a ``RandomState``, in 1.17+ a ``Generator``. Both are copies of the input argument, unless that input is identical to the global generator. If it is identical, the instance itself will be returned without copying it. """ if generator is get_global_rng().generator: return generator return copy_generator(generator)
[docs]def reset_generator_cache_(generator): """Reset a numpy (random number) generator's internal cache. This function modifies the generator's state in-place. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState The generator of which to reset the cache. Returns ------- numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState In numpy <=1.16 a ``RandomState``, in 1.17+ a ``Generator``. In both cases the input argument itself. """ if isinstance(generator, np.random.RandomState): return _reset_generator_cache_np116_(generator) return _reset_generator_cache_np117_(generator)
def _reset_generator_cache_np117_(generator): # This deactivates usage of the cache. We could also remove the cached # value itself in "uinteger", but setting the RNG to ignore the cached # value should be enough. state = _get_generator_state_np117(generator) state["has_uint32"] = 0 _set_generator_state_np117_(generator, state) return generator def _reset_generator_cache_np116_(random_state): # State tuple content: # 'MT19937', array of ints, unknown int, cache flag, cached value # The cache flag only affects the standard_normal() method. state = list(random_state.get_state()) state[-2] = 0 random_state.set_state(tuple(state)) return random_state
[docs]def derive_generator_(generator): """Create a child numpy (random number) generator from an existing one. This advances the generator's state. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState The generator from which to derive a new child generator. Returns ------- numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState In numpy <=1.16 a ``RandomState``, in 1.17+ a ``Generator``. In both cases a derived child generator. """ return derive_generators_(generator, n=1)[0]
# TODO does this advance the RNG in 1.17? It should advance it for security # reasons
[docs]def derive_generators_(generator, n): """Create child numpy (random number) generators from an existing one. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState The generator from which to derive new child generators. n : int Number of child generators to derive. Returns ------- list of numpy.random.Generator or list of numpy.random.RandomState In numpy <=1.16 a list of ``RandomState`` s, in 1.17+ a list of ``Generator`` s. In both cases lists of derived child generators. """ if isinstance(generator, np.random.RandomState): return _derive_generators_np116_(generator, n=n) return _derive_generators_np117_(generator, n=n)
def _derive_generators_np117_(generator, n): # TODO possible to get the SeedSequence from 'rng'? """ advance_rng_(rng) rng = copylib.deepcopy(rng) reset_rng_cache_(rng) state = rng.bit_generator.state rngs = [] for i in sm.xrange(n): state["state"]["state"] += (i * 100003 + 17) rng.bit_generator.state = state rngs.append(rng) rng = copylib.deepcopy(rng) return rngs """ # We generate here two integers instead of one, because the internal state # of the RNG might have one 32bit integer still cached up, which would # then be returned first when calling integers(). This should usually be # fine, but there is some risk involved that this will lead to sampling # many times the same seed in loop constructions (if the internal state # is not properly advanced and the cache is then also not reset). Adding # 'size=(2,)' decreases that risk. (It is then enough to e.g. call once # random() to advance the internal state. No resetting of caches is # needed.) seed_ = generator.integers(SEED_MIN_VALUE, SEED_MAX_VALUE, dtype="int32", size=(2,))[-1] seed_seq = np.random.SeedSequence(seed_) seed_seqs = seed_seq.spawn(n) return [convert_seed_sequence_to_generator(seed_seq) for seed_seq in seed_seqs] def _derive_generators_np116_(random_state, n): seed_ = random_state.randint(SEED_MIN_VALUE, SEED_MAX_VALUE) return [_convert_seed_to_generator_np116(seed_ + i) for i in sm.xrange(n)]
[docs]def get_generator_state(generator): """Get the state of this provided generator. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState The generator, which's state is supposed to be extracted. Returns ------- tuple or dict The state of the generator. In numpy 1.17+, the bit generator's state will be returned. In numpy <=1.16, the ``RandomState`` 's state is returned. In both cases the state is a copy. In-place changes will not affect the RNG. """ if isinstance(generator, np.random.RandomState): return _get_generator_state_np116(generator) return _get_generator_state_np117(generator)
def _get_generator_state_np117(generator): return generator.bit_generator.state def _get_generator_state_np116(random_state): return random_state.get_state()
[docs]def set_generator_state_(generator, state): """Set the state of a numpy (random number) generator in-place. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState The generator, which's state is supposed to be modified. state : tuple or dict The new state of the generator. Should correspond to the output of :func:`~imgaug.random.get_generator_state`. """ if isinstance(generator, np.random.RandomState): _set_generator_state_np116_(generator, state) else: _set_generator_state_np117_(generator, state)
def _set_generator_state_np117_(generator, state): generator.bit_generator.state = state def _set_generator_state_np116_(random_state, state): random_state.set_state(state)
[docs]def is_generator_equal_to(generator, other_generator): """Estimate whether two generator have the same class and state. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState First generator used in the comparison. other_generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState Second generator used in the comparison. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if `generator` 's class and state are the same as the class and state of `other_generator`. ``False`` otherwise. """ if isinstance(generator, np.random.RandomState): return _is_generator_equal_to_np116(generator, other_generator) return _is_generator_equal_to_np117(generator, other_generator)
def _is_generator_equal_to_np117(generator, other_generator): assert generator.__class__ is other_generator.__class__, ( "Expected both rngs to have the same class, " "got types '%s' and '%s'." % (type(generator), type(other_generator))) state1 = get_generator_state(generator) state2 = get_generator_state(other_generator) assert state1["bit_generator"] == "SFC64", ( "Can currently only compare the states of numpy.random.SFC64 bit " "generators, got %s." % (state1["bit_generator"],)) assert state2["bit_generator"] == "SFC64", ( "Can currently only compare the states of numpy.random.SFC64 bit " "generators, got %s." % (state2["bit_generator"],)) if state1["has_uint32"] != state2["has_uint32"]: return False if state1["has_uint32"] == state2["has_uint32"] == 1: if state1["uinteger"] != state2["uinteger"]: return False return np.array_equal(state1["state"]["state"], state2["state"]["state"]) def _is_generator_equal_to_np116(random_state, other_random_state): state1 = _get_generator_state_np116(random_state) state2 = _get_generator_state_np116(other_random_state) # Note that state1 and state2 are tuples with the value at index 1 being # a numpy array and the values at 2-4 being ints/floats, so we can't just # apply array_equal to state1[1:4+1] and state2[1:4+1]. We need a loop # here. for i in sm.xrange(1, 4+1): if not np.array_equal(state1[i], state2[i]): return False return True
[docs]def advance_generator_(generator): """Advance a numpy random generator's internal state in-place by one step. This advances the generator's state. .. note:: This simply samples one or more random values. This means that a call of this method will not completely change the outputs of the next called sampling method. To achieve more drastic output changes, call :func:`~imgaug.random.derive_generator_`. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState Generator of which to advance the internal state. """ if isinstance(generator, np.random.RandomState): _advance_generator_np116_(generator) else: _advance_generator_np117_(generator)
def _advance_generator_np117_(generator): _reset_generator_cache_np117_(generator) generator.random() def _advance_generator_np116_(generator): _reset_generator_cache_np116_(generator) generator.uniform()
[docs]def polyfill_integers(generator, low, high=None, size=None, dtype="int32", endpoint=False): """Sample integers from a generator in different numpy versions. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState The generator to sample from. If it is a ``RandomState``, :func:`numpy.random.RandomState.randint` will be called, otherwise :func:`numpy.random.Generator.integers`. low : int or array-like of ints See :func:`numpy.random.Generator.integers`. high : int or array-like of ints, optional See :func:`numpy.random.Generator.integers`. size : int or tuple of ints, optional See :func:`numpy.random.Generator.integers`. dtype : {str, dtype}, optional See :func:`numpy.random.Generator.integers`. endpoint : bool, optional See :func:`numpy.random.Generator.integers`. Returns ------- int or ndarray of ints See :func:`numpy.random.Generator.integers`. """ if hasattr(generator, "randint"): if endpoint: if high is None: high = low + 1 low = 0 else: high = high + 1 return generator.randint(low=low, high=high, size=size, dtype=dtype) return generator.integers(low=low, high=high, size=size, dtype=dtype, endpoint=endpoint)
[docs]def polyfill_random(generator, size, dtype="float32", out=None): """Sample random floats from a generator in different numpy versions. Parameters ---------- generator : numpy.random.Generator or numpy.random.RandomState The generator to sample from. Both ``RandomState`` and ``Generator`` support ``random()``, but with different interfaces. size : int or tuple of ints, optional See :func:`numpy.random.Generator.random`. dtype : {str, dtype}, optional See :func:`numpy.random.Generator.random`. out : ndarray, optional See :func:`numpy.random.Generator.random`. Returns ------- float or ndarray of floats See :func:`numpy.random.Generator.random`. """ if hasattr(generator, "random_sample"): # note that numpy.random in <=1.16 supports random(), but # numpy.random.RandomState does not result = generator.random_sample(size=size).astype(dtype) if out is not None: assert ==, ( "Expected out array to have the same dtype as " "random_sample()'s result array. Got %s (out) and %s (result) " "instead." % (, out[...] = result return result return generator.random(size=size, dtype=dtype, out=out)
# TODO add tests
[docs]class temporary_numpy_seed(object): """Context to temporarily alter the random state of ``numpy.random``. The random state's internal state will be set back to the original one once the context finishes. Added in 0.4.0. Parameters ---------- entropy : None or int The seed value to use. If `None` then the seed will not be altered and the internal state of ``numpy.random`` will not be reset back upon context exit (i.e. this context will do nothing). """ # pylint complains about class name # pylint: disable=invalid-name def __init__(self, entropy=None): self.old_state = None self.entropy = entropy def __enter__(self): if self.entropy is not None: self.old_state = np.random.get_state() np.random.seed(self.entropy) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if self.entropy is not None: np.random.set_state(self.old_state)