Source code for imgaug.augmenters.base

"""Base classes and functions used by all/most augmenters.

This module is planned to contain :class:`imgaug.augmenters.meta.Augmenter`
in the future.

Added in 0.4.0.

import imgaug as ia

[docs]class SuspiciousMultiImageShapeWarning(UserWarning): """Warning multi-image inputs that look like a single image."""
[docs]class SuspiciousSingleImageShapeWarning(UserWarning): """Warning for single-image inputs that look like multiple images."""
def _warn_on_suspicious_multi_image_shapes(images): if images is None: return # check if it looks like (H, W, C) instead of (N, H, W) if ia.is_np_array(images): if images.ndim == 3 and images.shape[-1] in [1, 3]: ia.warn( "You provided a numpy array of shape %s as a " "multi-image augmentation input, which was interpreted as " "(N, H, W). The last dimension however has value 1 or " "3, which indicates that you provided a single image " "with shape (H, W, C) instead. If that is the case, " "you should use e.g. augmenter(image=<your input>) or " "augment_image(<your input>) -- note the singular 'image' " "instead of 'imageS'. Otherwise your single input image " "will be interpreted as multiple images of shape (H, W) " "during augmentation." % (images.shape,), category=SuspiciousMultiImageShapeWarning) def _warn_on_suspicious_single_image_shape(image): if image is None: return # Check if it looks like (N, H, W) instead of (H, W, C). # We don't react to (1, 1, C) though, mostly because that is used in many # unittests. if image.ndim == 3 and image.shape[-1] >= 32 and image.shape[0:2] != (1, 1): ia.warn( "You provided a numpy array of shape %s as a " "single-image augmentation input, which was interpreted as " "(H, W, C). The last dimension however has a size of >=32, " "which indicates that you provided a multi-image array " "with shape (N, H, W) instead. If that is the case, " "you should use e.g. augmenter(imageS=<your input>) or " "augment_imageS(<your input>). Otherwise your multi-image " "input will be interpreted as a single image during " "augmentation." % (image.shape,), category=SuspiciousSingleImageShapeWarning)