Source code for imgaug.augmentables.utils

"""Utility functions used in augmentable modules."""
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
import copy as copylib
import numpy as np
import six.moves as sm
import imgaug as ia

# TODO add tests
[docs]def copy_augmentables(augmentables): if ia.is_np_array(augmentables): return np.copy(augmentables) result = [] for augmentable in augmentables: if ia.is_np_array(augmentable): result.append(np.copy(augmentable)) else: result.append(augmentable.deepcopy()) return result
# Added in 0.4.0.
[docs]def deepcopy_fast(obj): if obj is None: return None if ia.is_single_number(obj) or ia.is_string(obj): return obj if isinstance(obj, list): return [deepcopy_fast(el) for el in obj] if isinstance(obj, tuple): return tuple([deepcopy_fast(el) for el in obj]) if ia.is_np_array(obj): return np.copy(obj) if hasattr(obj, "deepcopy"): return obj.deepcopy() return copylib.deepcopy(obj)
# TODO integrate into keypoints
[docs]def normalize_shape(shape): """Normalize a shape ``tuple`` or ``array`` to a shape ``tuple``. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int or ndarray The input to normalize. May optionally be an array. Returns ------- tuple of int Shape ``tuple``. """ if isinstance(shape, tuple): return shape assert ia.is_np_array(shape), ( "Expected tuple of ints or array, got %s." % (type(shape),)) return shape.shape
[docs]def project_coords_(coords, from_shape, to_shape): """Project coordinates from one image shape to another in-place. This performs a relative projection, e.g. a point at ``60%`` of the old image width will be at ``60%`` of the new image width after projection. Added in 0.4.0. Parameters ---------- coords : ndarray or list of tuple of number Coordinates to project. Either an ``(N,2)`` numpy array or a ``list`` containing ``(x,y)`` coordinate ``tuple`` s. from_shape : tuple of int or ndarray Old image shape. to_shape : tuple of int or ndarray New image shape. Returns ------- ndarray Projected coordinates as ``(N,2)`` ``float32`` numpy array. This function may change the input data in-place. """ from_shape = normalize_shape(from_shape) to_shape = normalize_shape(to_shape) if from_shape[0:2] == to_shape[0:2]: return coords from_height, from_width = from_shape[0:2] to_height, to_width = to_shape[0:2] no_zeros_in_shapes = ( all([v > 0 for v in [from_height, from_width, to_height, to_width]])) assert no_zeros_in_shapes, ( "Expected from_shape and to_shape to not contain zeros. Got shapes " "%s (from_shape) and %s (to_shape)." % (from_shape, to_shape)) coords_proj = coords if not ia.is_np_array(coords) or coords.dtype.kind != "f": coords_proj = np.array(coords).astype(np.float32) coords_proj[:, 0] = (coords_proj[:, 0] / from_width) * to_width coords_proj[:, 1] = (coords_proj[:, 1] / from_height) * to_height return coords_proj
[docs]def project_coords(coords, from_shape, to_shape): """Project coordinates from one image shape to another. This performs a relative projection, e.g. a point at ``60%`` of the old image width will be at ``60%`` of the new image width after projection. Parameters ---------- coords : ndarray or list of tuple of number Coordinates to project. Either an ``(N,2)`` numpy array or a ``list`` containing ``(x,y)`` coordinate ``tuple`` s. from_shape : tuple of int or ndarray Old image shape. to_shape : tuple of int or ndarray New image shape. Returns ------- ndarray Projected coordinates as ``(N,2)`` ``float32`` numpy array. """ if ia.is_np_array(coords): coords = np.copy(coords) return project_coords_(coords, from_shape, to_shape)
# TODO does that include point_b in the result?
[docs]def interpolate_point_pair(point_a, point_b, nb_steps): """Interpolate ``N`` points on a line segment. Parameters ---------- point_a : iterable of number Start point of the line segment, given as ``(x,y)`` coordinates. point_b : iterable of number End point of the line segment, given as ``(x,y)`` coordinates. nb_steps : int Number of points to interpolate between `point_a` and `point_b`. Returns ------- list of tuple of number The interpolated points. Does not include `point_a`. """ if nb_steps < 1: return [] x1, y1 = point_a x2, y2 = point_b vec = np.float32([x2 - x1, y2 - y1]) step_size = vec / (1 + nb_steps) return [ (x1 + (i + 1) * step_size[0], y1 + (i + 1) * step_size[1]) for i in sm.xrange(nb_steps)]
[docs]def interpolate_points(points, nb_steps, closed=True): """Interpolate ``N`` on each line segment in a line string. Parameters ---------- points : iterable of iterable of number Points on the line segments, each one given as ``(x,y)`` coordinates. They are assumed to form one connected line string. nb_steps : int Number of points to interpolate on each individual line string. closed : bool, optional If ``True`` the output contains the last point in `points`. Otherwise it does not (but it will contain the interpolated points leading to the last point). Returns ------- list of tuple of number Coordinates of `points`, with additional `nb_steps` new points interpolated between each point pair. If `closed` is ``False``, the last point in `points` is not returned. """ if len(points) <= 1: return points if closed: points = list(points) + [points[0]] points_interp = [] for point_a, point_b in zip(points[:-1], points[1:]): points_interp.extend( [point_a] + interpolate_point_pair(point_a, point_b, nb_steps) ) if not closed: points_interp.append(points[-1]) # close does not have to be reverted here, as last point is not included # in the extend() return points_interp
[docs]def interpolate_points_by_max_distance(points, max_distance, closed=True): """Interpolate points with distance ``d`` on a line string. For a list of points ``A, B, C``, if the distance between ``A`` and ``B`` is greater than `max_distance`, it will place at least one point between ``A`` and ``B`` at ``A + max_distance * (B - A)``. Multiple points can be placed between the two points if they are far enough away from each other. The process is repeated for ``B`` and ``C``. Parameters ---------- points : iterable of iterable of number Points on the line segments, each one given as ``(x,y)`` coordinates. They are assumed to form one connected line string. max_distance : number Maximum distance between any two points in the result. closed : bool, optional If ``True`` the output contains the last point in `points`. Otherwise it does not (but it will contain the interpolated points leading to the last point). Returns ------- list of tuple of number Coordinates of `points`, with interpolated points added to the iterable. If `closed` is ``False``, the last point in `points` is not returned. """ assert max_distance > 0, ( "Expected max_distance to have a value >0, got %.8f." % ( max_distance,)) if len(points) <= 1: return points if closed: points = list(points) + [points[0]] points_interp = [] for point_a, point_b in zip(points[:-1], points[1:]): dist = np.sqrt( (point_a[0] - point_b[0]) ** 2 + (point_a[1] - point_b[1]) ** 2) nb_steps = int((dist / max_distance) - 1) points_interp.extend( [point_a] + interpolate_point_pair(point_a, point_b, nb_steps)) if not closed: points_interp.append(points[-1]) return points_interp
[docs]def convert_cbaois_to_kpsois(cbaois): """Convert coordinate-based augmentables to KeypointsOnImage instances. Added in 0.4.0. Parameters ---------- cbaois : list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage or list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.PolygonsOnImage or list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.LineStringsOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.bbs.PolygonsOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.bbs.LineStringsOnImage Coordinate-based augmentables to convert, e.g. bounding boxes. Returns ------- list of imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImage ``KeypointsOnImage`` instances containing the coordinates of input `cbaois`. """ if not isinstance(cbaois, list): return cbaois.to_keypoints_on_image() kpsois = [] for cbaoi in cbaois: kpsois.append(cbaoi.to_keypoints_on_image()) return kpsois
[docs]def invert_convert_cbaois_to_kpsois_(cbaois, kpsois): """Invert the output of :func:`convert_to_cbaois_to_kpsois` in-place. This function writes in-place into `cbaois`. Added in 0.4.0. Parameters ---------- cbaois : list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage or list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.PolygonsOnImage or list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.LineStringsOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.bbs.PolygonsOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.bbs.LineStringsOnImage Original coordinate-based augmentables before they were converted, i.e. the same inputs as provided to :func:`convert_to_kpsois`. kpsois : list of imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImages or imgaug.augmentables.kps.KeypointsOnImages Keypoints to convert back to the types of `cbaois`, i.e. the outputs of :func:`convert_cbaois_to_kpsois`. Returns ------- list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage or list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.PolygonsOnImage or list of imgaug.augmentables.bbs.LineStringsOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.bbs.BoundingBoxesOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.bbs.PolygonsOnImage or imgaug.augmentables.bbs.LineStringsOnImage Parameter `cbaois`, with updated coordinates and shapes derived from `kpsois`. `cbaois` is modified in-place. """ if not isinstance(cbaois, list): assert not isinstance(kpsois, list), ( "Expected non-list for `kpsois` when `cbaois` is non-list. " "Got type %s." % (type(kpsois.__name__)),) return cbaois.invert_to_keypoints_on_image_(kpsois) result = [] for cbaoi, kpsoi in zip(cbaois, kpsois): cbaoi_recovered = cbaoi.invert_to_keypoints_on_image_(kpsoi) result.append(cbaoi_recovered) return result
# Added in 0.4.0. def _remove_out_of_image_fraction_(cbaoi, fraction): cbaoi.items = [ item for item in cbaoi.items if item.compute_out_of_image_fraction(cbaoi.shape) < fraction] return cbaoi # Added in 0.4.0. def _normalize_shift_args(x, y, top=None, right=None, bottom=None, left=None): """Normalize ``shift()`` arguments to x, y and handle deprecated args.""" if any([v is not None for v in [top, right, bottom, left]]): ia.warn_deprecated( "Got one of the arguments `top` (%s), `right` (%s), " "`bottom` (%s), `left` (%s) in a shift() call. " "These are deprecated. Use `x` and `y` instead." % ( top, right, bottom, left), stacklevel=3) top = top if top is not None else 0 right = right if right is not None else 0 bottom = bottom if bottom is not None else 0 left = left if left is not None else 0 x = x + left - right y = y + top - bottom return x, y