Source code for imgaug.augmentables.normalization

"""Functions dealing with normalization of user input data to imgaug classes."""
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import functools

import numpy as np

from .. import imgaug as ia
from .. import dtypes as iadt
from .base import IAugmentable

def _preprocess_shapes(shapes):
    if shapes is None:
        return None
    if ia.is_np_array(shapes):
        assert shapes.ndim in [3, 4], (
            "Expected array 'shapes' to be 3- or 4-dimensional, got %d "
            "dimensions and shape %s instead." % (shapes.ndim, shapes.shape))
        return [image.shape for image in shapes]

    assert isinstance(shapes, list), (
        "Expected 'shapes' to be None or ndarray or list, got type %s "
        "instead." % (type(shapes),))
    result = []
    for shape_i in shapes:
        if isinstance(shape_i, tuple):
            assert ia.is_np_array(shape_i), (
                "Expected each entry in list 'shapes' to be either a "
                "tuple or an ndarray, got type %s." % (type(shape_i),))
    return result

def _assert_exactly_n_shapes(shapes, n, from_ntype, to_ntype):
    if shapes is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Tried to convert data of form '%s' to '%s'. This required %d "
            "corresponding image shapes, but argument 'shapes' was set to "
            "None. This can happen e.g. if no images were provided in a "
            "Batch, as these would usually be used to automatically derive "
            "image shapes." % (from_ntype, to_ntype, n))

    if len(shapes) != n:
        raise ValueError(
            "Tried to convert data of form '%s' to '%s'. This required "
            "exactly %d corresponding image shapes, but instead %d were "
            "provided. This can happen e.g. if more images were provided "
            "than corresponding augmentables, e.g. 10 images but only 5 "
            "segmentation maps. It can also happen if there was a "
            "misunderstanding about how an augmentable input would be "
            "parsed. E.g. if a list of N (x,y)-tuples was provided as "
            "keypoints and the expectation was that this would be parsed "
            "as one keypoint per image for N images, but instead it was "
            "parsed as N keypoints on 1 image (i.e. 'shapes' would have to "
            "contain 1 shape, but N would be provided). To avoid this, it "
            "is recommended to provide imgaug standard classes, e.g. "
            "KeypointsOnImage for keypoints instead of lists of "
            "tuples." % (from_ntype, to_ntype, n, len(shapes)))

def _assert_single_array_ndim(arr, ndim, shape_str, to_ntype):
    if arr.ndim != ndim:
        raise ValueError(
            "Tried to convert an array to list of %s. Expected "
            "that array to be of shape %s, i.e. %d-dimensional, but "
            "got %d dimensions instead." % (
                to_ntype, shape_str, ndim, arr.ndim,))

def _assert_many_arrays_ndim(arrs, ndim, shape_str, to_ntype):
    # For polygons, this can be a list of lists of arrays, hence we must
    # flatten the lists here.
    # itertools.chain.from_iterable() seems to flatten the arrays too, so it
    # cannot be used here.
    iterable_type_str = "iterable"
    if len(arrs) == 0:
        arrs_flat = []
    elif ia.is_np_array(arrs[0]):
        arrs_flat = arrs
        iterable_type_str = "iterable of iterable"
        arrs_flat = [arr for arrs_sublist in arrs for arr in arrs_sublist]

    if any([arr.ndim != ndim for arr in arrs_flat]):
        raise ValueError(
            "Tried to convert an %s of arrays to a list of "
            "%s. Expected each array to be of shape %s, "
            "i.e. to be %d-dimensional, but got dimensions %s "
            "instead (array shapes: %s)." % (
                iterable_type_str, to_ntype, shape_str, ndim,
                ", ".join([str(arr.ndim) for arr in arrs_flat]),
                ", ".join([str(arr.shape) for arr in arrs_flat])))

def _assert_single_array_last_dim_exactly(arr, size, to_ntype):
    if arr.shape[-1] != size:
        raise ValueError(
            "Tried to convert an array to a list of %s. Expected the array's "
            "last dimension to have size %d, but got %d instead (array "
            "shape: %s)." % (
                to_ntype, size, arr.shape[-1], str(arr.shape)))

def _assert_many_arrays_last_dim_exactly(arrs, size, to_ntype):
    # For polygons, this can be a list of lists of arrays, hence we must
    # flatten the lists here.
    # itertools.chain.from_iterable() seems to flatten the arrays too, so it
    # cannot be used here.
    iterable_type_str = "iterable"
    if len(arrs) == 0:
        arrs_flat = []
    elif ia.is_np_array(arrs[0]):
        arrs_flat = arrs
        iterable_type_str = "iterable of iterable"
        arrs_flat = [arr for arrs_sublist in arrs for arr in arrs_sublist]

    if any([arr.shape[-1] != size for arr in arrs_flat]):
        raise ValueError(
            "Tried to convert an %s of array to a list of %s. Expected the "
            "arrays' last dimensions to have size %d, but got %s instead "
            "(array shapes: %s)." % (
                iterable_type_str, to_ntype, size,
                ", ".join([str(arr.shape[-1]) for arr in arrs_flat]),
                ", ".join([str(arr.shape) for arr in arrs_flat])))

[docs]def normalize_images(images): if images is None: return None if ia.is_np_array(images): if images.ndim == 2: return images[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] if images.ndim == 3: return images[..., np.newaxis] return images if ia.is_iterable(images): result = [] for image in images: assert image.ndim in [2, 3], ( "Got a list of arrays as argument 'images'. Expected each " "array in that list to have 2 or 3 dimensions, i.e. shape " "(H,W) or (H,W,C). Got %d dimensions " "instead." % (image.ndim,)) if image.ndim == 2: result.append(image[..., np.newaxis]) else: result.append(image) return result raise ValueError( "Expected argument 'images' to be any of the following: " "None or array or iterable of array. Got type: %s." % ( type(images),))
[docs]def normalize_heatmaps(inputs, shapes=None): # TODO get rid of this deferred import from imgaug.augmentables.heatmaps import HeatmapsOnImage shapes = _preprocess_shapes(shapes) ntype = estimate_heatmaps_norm_type(inputs) _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial = functools.partial( _assert_exactly_n_shapes, from_ntype=ntype, to_ntype="List[HeatmapsOnImage]", shapes=shapes) if ntype == "None": return None if ntype == "array[float]": _assert_single_array_ndim(inputs, 4, "(N,H,W,C)", "HeatmapsOnImage") _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [HeatmapsOnImage(attr_i, shape=shape_i) for attr_i, shape_i in zip(inputs, shapes)] if ntype == "HeatmapsOnImage": return [inputs] if ntype == "iterable[empty]": return None if ntype == "iterable-array[float]": _assert_many_arrays_ndim(inputs, 3, "(H,W,C)", "HeatmapsOnImage") _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [HeatmapsOnImage(attr_i, shape=shape_i) for attr_i, shape_i in zip(inputs, shapes)] assert ntype == "iterable-HeatmapsOnImage", ( "Got unknown normalization type '%s'." % (ntype,)) return inputs # len allowed to differ from len of images
[docs]def normalize_segmentation_maps(inputs, shapes=None): # TODO get rid of this deferred import from imgaug.augmentables.segmaps import SegmentationMapsOnImage shapes = _preprocess_shapes(shapes) ntype = estimate_segmaps_norm_type(inputs) _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial = functools.partial( _assert_exactly_n_shapes, from_ntype=ntype, to_ntype="List[SegmentationMapsOnImage]", shapes=shapes) if ntype == "None": return None if ntype in ["array[int]", "array[uint]", "array[bool]"]: _assert_single_array_ndim(inputs, 4, "(N,H,W,#SegmapsPerImage)", "SegmentationMapsOnImage") _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) if ntype == "array[bool]": return [SegmentationMapsOnImage(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes)] return [SegmentationMapsOnImage(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes)] if ntype == "SegmentationMapsOnImage": return [inputs] if ntype == "iterable[empty]": return None if ntype in ["iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]", "iterable-array[bool]"]: _assert_many_arrays_ndim(inputs, 3, "(H,W,#SegmapsPerImage)", "SegmentationMapsOnImage") _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) if ntype == "iterable-array[bool]": return [SegmentationMapsOnImage(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes)] return [SegmentationMapsOnImage(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes)] assert ntype == "iterable-SegmentationMapsOnImage", ( "Got unknown normalization type '%s'." % (ntype,)) return inputs # len allowed to differ from len of images
[docs]def normalize_keypoints(inputs, shapes=None): # TODO get rid of this deferred import from imgaug.augmentables.kps import Keypoint, KeypointsOnImage shapes = _preprocess_shapes(shapes) ntype = estimate_keypoints_norm_type(inputs) _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial = functools.partial( _assert_exactly_n_shapes, from_ntype=ntype, to_ntype="List[KeypointsOnImage]", shapes=shapes) if ntype == "None": return inputs if ntype in ["array[float]", "array[int]", "array[uint]"]: _assert_single_array_ndim(inputs, 3, "(N,K,2)", "KeypointsOnImage") _assert_single_array_last_dim_exactly(inputs, 2, "KeypointsOnImage") _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [ KeypointsOnImage.from_xy_array(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] if ntype == "tuple[number,size=2]": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [KeypointsOnImage([Keypoint(x=inputs[0], y=inputs[1])], shape=shapes[0])] if ntype == "Keypoint": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [KeypointsOnImage([inputs], shape=shapes[0])] if ntype == "KeypointsOnImage": return [inputs] if ntype == "iterable[empty]": return None if ntype in ["iterable-array[float]", "iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]"]: _assert_many_arrays_ndim(inputs, 2, "(K,2)", "KeypointsOnImage") _assert_many_arrays_last_dim_exactly(inputs, 2, "KeypointsOnImage") _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [ KeypointsOnImage.from_xy_array(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] if ntype == "iterable-tuple[number,size=2]": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [KeypointsOnImage([Keypoint(x=x, y=y) for x, y in inputs], shape=shapes[0])] if ntype == "iterable-Keypoint": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [KeypointsOnImage(inputs, shape=shapes[0])] if ntype == "iterable-KeypointsOnImage": return inputs if ntype == "iterable-iterable[empty]": return None if ntype == "iterable-iterable-tuple[number,size=2]": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [ KeypointsOnImage.from_xy_array( np.array(attr_i, dtype=np.float32), shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] assert ntype == "iterable-iterable-Keypoint", ( "Got unknown normalization type '%s'." % (ntype,)) _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [KeypointsOnImage(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes)]
[docs]def normalize_bounding_boxes(inputs, shapes=None): # TODO get rid of this deferred import from imgaug.augmentables.bbs import BoundingBox, BoundingBoxesOnImage shapes = _preprocess_shapes(shapes) ntype = estimate_bounding_boxes_norm_type(inputs) _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial = functools.partial( _assert_exactly_n_shapes, from_ntype=ntype, to_ntype="List[BoundingBoxesOnImage]", shapes=shapes) if ntype == "None": return None if ntype in ["array[float]", "array[int]", "array[uint]"]: _assert_single_array_ndim(inputs, 3, "(N,B,4)", "BoundingBoxesOnImage") _assert_single_array_last_dim_exactly( inputs, 4, "BoundingBoxesOnImage") _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [ BoundingBoxesOnImage.from_xyxy_array(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] if ntype == "tuple[number,size=4]": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [ BoundingBoxesOnImage( [BoundingBox( x1=inputs[0], y1=inputs[1], x2=inputs[2], y2=inputs[3])], shape=shapes[0]) ] if ntype == "BoundingBox": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [BoundingBoxesOnImage([inputs], shape=shapes[0])] if ntype == "BoundingBoxesOnImage": return [inputs] if ntype == "iterable[empty]": return None if ntype in ["iterable-array[float]", "iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]"]: _assert_many_arrays_ndim(inputs, 2, "(B,4)", "BoundingBoxesOnImage") _assert_many_arrays_last_dim_exactly(inputs, 4, "BoundingBoxesOnImage") _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [ BoundingBoxesOnImage.from_xyxy_array(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] if ntype == "iterable-tuple[number,size=4]": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [ BoundingBoxesOnImage( [BoundingBox(x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2) for x1, y1, x2, y2 in inputs], shape=shapes[0]) ] if ntype == "iterable-BoundingBox": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [BoundingBoxesOnImage(inputs, shape=shapes[0])] if ntype == "iterable-BoundingBoxesOnImage": return inputs if ntype == "iterable-iterable[empty]": return None if ntype == "iterable-iterable-tuple[number,size=4]": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [ BoundingBoxesOnImage.from_xyxy_array( np.array(attr_i, dtype=np.float32), shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] assert ntype == "iterable-iterable-BoundingBox", ( "Got unknown normalization type '%s'." % (ntype,)) _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [BoundingBoxesOnImage(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes)]
[docs]def normalize_polygons(inputs, shapes=None): # TODO get rid of this deferred import from imgaug.augmentables.polys import Polygon, PolygonsOnImage return _normalize_polygons_and_line_strings( cls_single=Polygon, cls_oi=PolygonsOnImage, axis_names=["#polys", "#points"], estimate_ntype_func=estimate_polygons_norm_type, inputs=inputs, shapes=shapes )
[docs]def normalize_line_strings(inputs, shapes=None): # TODO get rid of this deferred import from imgaug.augmentables.lines import LineString, LineStringsOnImage return _normalize_polygons_and_line_strings( cls_single=LineString, cls_oi=LineStringsOnImage, axis_names=["#lines", "#points"], estimate_ntype_func=estimate_line_strings_norm_type, inputs=inputs, shapes=shapes )
def _normalize_polygons_and_line_strings(cls_single, cls_oi, axis_names, estimate_ntype_func, inputs, shapes=None): cls_single_name = cls_single.__name__ cls_oi_name = cls_oi.__name__ axis_names_4_str = "(N,%s,%s,2)" % (axis_names[0], axis_names[1]) axis_names_3_str = "(%s,%s,2)" % (axis_names[0], axis_names[1]) axis_names_2_str = "(%s,2)" % (axis_names[1],) shapes = _preprocess_shapes(shapes) ntype = estimate_ntype_func(inputs) _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial = functools.partial( _assert_exactly_n_shapes, from_ntype=ntype, to_ntype=("List[%s]" % (cls_oi_name,)), shapes=shapes) if ntype == "None": return None if ntype in ["array[float]", "array[int]", "array[uint]"]: _assert_single_array_ndim(inputs, 4, axis_names_4_str, cls_oi_name) _assert_single_array_last_dim_exactly(inputs, 2, cls_oi_name) _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [ cls_oi( [cls_single(points) for points in attr_i], shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] if ntype == cls_single_name: _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [cls_oi([inputs], shape=shapes[0])] if ntype == cls_oi_name: return [inputs] if ntype == "iterable[empty]": return None if ntype in ["iterable-array[float]", "iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]"]: _assert_many_arrays_ndim(inputs, 3, axis_names_3_str, cls_oi_name) _assert_many_arrays_last_dim_exactly(inputs, 2, cls_oi_name) _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [ cls_oi([cls_single(points) for points in attr_i], shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] if ntype == "iterable-tuple[number,size=2]": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [cls_oi([cls_single(inputs)], shape=shapes[0])] if ntype == "iterable-Keypoint": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [cls_oi([cls_single(inputs)], shape=shapes[0])] if ntype == ("iterable-%s" % (cls_single_name,)): _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [cls_oi(inputs, shape=shapes[0])] if ntype == ("iterable-%s" % (cls_oi_name,)): return inputs if ntype == "iterable-iterable[empty]": return None if ntype in ["iterable-iterable-array[float]", "iterable-iterable-array[int]", "iterable-iterable-array[uint]"]: _assert_many_arrays_ndim(inputs, 2, axis_names_2_str, cls_oi_name) _assert_many_arrays_last_dim_exactly(inputs, 2, cls_oi_name) _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [ cls_oi( [cls_single(points) for points in attr_i], shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] if ntype == "iterable-iterable-tuple[number,size=2]": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [ cls_oi([cls_single(attr_i) for attr_i in inputs], shape=shapes[0]) ] if ntype == "iterable-iterable-Keypoint": _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=1) return [ cls_oi([cls_single(attr_i) for attr_i in inputs], shape=shapes[0]) ] if ntype == ("iterable-iterable-%s" % (cls_single_name,)): _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [ cls_oi(attr_i, shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ] if ntype == "iterable-iterable-iterable[empty]": return None assert ntype in ["iterable-iterable-iterable-tuple[number,size=2]", "iterable-iterable-iterable-Keypoint"], ( "Got unknown normalization type '%s'." % (ntype,)) _assert_exactly_n_shapes_partial(n=len(inputs)) return [ cls_oi( [cls_single(points) for points in attr_i], shape=shape) for attr_i, shape in zip(inputs, shapes) ]
[docs]def invert_normalize_images(images, images_old): if images_old is None: assert images is None, ( "Expected (normalized) 'images' to be None due to (unnormalized) " "'images_old' being None. Got type %s instead." % (type(images),)) return None if ia.is_np_array(images_old): if not ia.is_np_array(images): # Images were turned from array to list during augmentation. # This can happen for e.g. crop operations. # We will proceed as if the old images were a list. # One could also generate an array-output if all shapes and dtypes # in `images` are the same. This was not done here, because # (a) that would incur a performance penalty and (b) it would # lead to less consistent outputs. if images_old.ndim == 2: # dont interpret first axis as N if `images_old` was a single # image return invert_normalize_images(images, [images_old]) return invert_normalize_images(images, list(images_old)) if images_old.ndim == 2: assert images.shape[0] == 1, ( "Expected normalized images of shape (N,H,W,C) to have " "N=1 due to the unnormalized images being a single 2D " "image. Got instead N=%d and shape %s." % ( images.shape[0], images.shape)) assert images.shape[3] == 1, ( "Expected normalized images of shape (N,H,W,C) to have " "C=1 due to the unnormalized images being a single 2D " "image. Got instead C=%d and shape %s." % ( images.shape[3], images.shape)) return images[0, ..., 0] if images_old.ndim == 3: assert images.shape[3] == 1, ( "Expected normalized images of shape (N,H,W,C) to have " "C=1 due to unnormalized images being a single 3D image. " "Got instead C=%d and shape %s" % ( images.shape[3], images.shape)) return images[..., 0] return images if ia.is_iterable(images_old): result = [] for image, image_old in zip(images, images_old): if image_old.ndim == 2: assert image.shape[2] == 1, ( "Expected each image of shape (H,W,C) to have C=1 due to " "the corresponding unnormalized image being a 2D image. " "Got instead C=%d and shape %s." % ( image.shape[2], image.shape)) result.append(image[:, :, 0]) else: assert image_old.ndim == 3, ( "Expected 'image_old' to be three-dimensional, got %d " "dimensions and shape %s." % ( image_old.ndim, image_old.shape)) result.append(image) return result raise ValueError( "Expected argument 'images_old' to be any of the following: " "None or array or iterable of array. Got type: %s." % ( type(images_old),))
[docs]def invert_normalize_heatmaps(heatmaps, heatmaps_old): ntype = estimate_heatmaps_norm_type(heatmaps_old) if ntype == "None": assert heatmaps is None, ( "Expected (normalized) 'heatmaps' to be None due (unnormalized) " "'heatmaps_old' being None. Got type %s instead." % ( type(heatmaps),)) return heatmaps if ntype == "array[float]": assert len(heatmaps) == heatmaps_old.shape[0], ( "Expected as many heatmaps after normalization as before " "normalization. Got %d (after) and %d (before)." % ( len(heatmaps), heatmaps_old.shape[0])) input_dtype = heatmaps_old.dtype return restore_dtype_and_merge( [hm_i.arr_0to1 for hm_i in heatmaps], input_dtype) if ntype == "HeatmapsOnImage": assert len(heatmaps) == 1, ( "Expected as many heatmaps after normalization as before " "normalization. Got %d (after) and %d (before)." % ( len(heatmaps), 1)) return heatmaps[0] if ntype == "iterable[empty]": assert heatmaps is None, ( "Expected heatmaps after normalization to be None, due to the " "heatmaps before normalization being an empty iterable. " "Got type %s instead." % (type(heatmaps),)) return [] if ntype == "iterable-array[float]": nonempty, _, _ = find_first_nonempty(heatmaps_old) input_dtype = nonempty.dtype return [restore_dtype_and_merge(hm_i.arr_0to1, input_dtype) for hm_i in heatmaps] assert ntype == "iterable-HeatmapsOnImage", ( "Got unknown normalization type '%s'." % (ntype,)) return heatmaps
[docs]def invert_normalize_segmentation_maps(segmentation_maps, segmentation_maps_old): ntype = estimate_segmaps_norm_type(segmentation_maps_old) if ntype == "None": assert segmentation_maps is None, ( "Expected (normalized) 'segmentation_maps' to be None due " "(unnormalized) 'segmentation_maps_old' being None. Got type %s " "instead." % (type(segmentation_maps),)) return segmentation_maps if ntype in ["array[int]", "array[uint]", "array[bool]"]: assert len(segmentation_maps) == segmentation_maps_old.shape[0], ( "Expected as many segmentation maps after normalization as before " "normalization. Got %d (after) and %d (before)." % ( len(segmentation_maps), segmentation_maps_old.shape[0])) input_dtype = segmentation_maps_old.dtype return restore_dtype_and_merge( [segmap_i.get_arr() for segmap_i in segmentation_maps], input_dtype) if ntype == "SegmentationMapsOnImage": assert len(segmentation_maps) == 1, ( "Expected as many segmentation maps after normalization as before " "normalization. Got %d (after) and %d (before)." % ( len(segmentation_maps), 1)) return segmentation_maps[0] if ntype == "iterable[empty]": assert segmentation_maps is None, ( "Expected segmentation maps after normalization to be None, due " "to the segmentation maps before normalization being an empty " "iterable. Got type %s instead." % (type(segmentation_maps),)) return [] if ntype in ["iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]", "iterable-array[bool]"]: nonempty, _, _ = find_first_nonempty(segmentation_maps_old) input_dtype = nonempty.dtype return [restore_dtype_and_merge(segmap_i.get_arr(), input_dtype) for segmap_i in segmentation_maps] assert ntype == "iterable-SegmentationMapsOnImage", ( "Got unknown normalization type '%s'." % (ntype,)) return segmentation_maps
[docs]def invert_normalize_keypoints(keypoints, keypoints_old): ntype = estimate_keypoints_norm_type(keypoints_old) if ntype == "None": assert keypoints is None, ( "Expected (normalized) 'keypoints' to be None due (unnormalized) " "'keypoints_old' being None. Got type %s instead." % ( type(keypoints),)) return keypoints if ntype in ["array[float]", "array[int]", "array[uint]"]: assert len(keypoints) == 1, ( "Expected a single KeypointsOnImage instance after normalization " "due to getting a single ndarray before normalization. " "Got %d instances instead." % (len(keypoints),)) input_dtype = keypoints_old.dtype return restore_dtype_and_merge( [kpsoi.to_xy_array() for kpsoi in keypoints], input_dtype) if ntype == "tuple[number,size=2]": assert len(keypoints) == 1, ( "Expected a single KeypointsOnImage instance after normalization " "due to getting a single (x,y) tuple before normalization. " "Got %d instances instead." % (len(keypoints),)) assert len(keypoints[0].keypoints) == 1, ( "Expected a KeypointsOnImage instance containing a single " "Keypoint after normalization due to getting a single (x,y) tuple " "before normalization. Got %d keypoints instead." % ( len(keypoints[0].keypoints) )) return (keypoints[0].keypoints[0].x, keypoints[0].keypoints[0].y) if ntype == "Keypoint": assert len(keypoints) == 1, ( "Expected a single KeypointsOnImage instance after normalization " "due to getting a single Keypoint before normalization. " "Got %d instances instead." % (len(keypoints),)) assert len(keypoints[0].keypoints) == 1, ( "Expected a KeypointsOnImage instance containing a single " "Keypoint after normalization due to getting a single Keypoint " "before normalization. Got %d keypoints instead." % ( len(keypoints[0].keypoints) )) return keypoints[0].keypoints[0] if ntype == "KeypointsOnImage": assert len(keypoints) == 1, ( "Expected a single KeypointsOnImage instance after normalization " "due to getting a single KeypointsOnImage before normalization. " "Got %d instances instead." % (len(keypoints),)) return keypoints[0] if ntype == "iterable[empty]": assert keypoints is None, ( "Expected keypoints after normalization to be None, due " "to the keypoints before normalization being an empty " "iterable. Got type %s instead." % (type(keypoints),)) return [] if ntype in ["iterable-array[float]", "iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]"]: nonempty, _, _ = find_first_nonempty(keypoints_old) input_dtype = nonempty.dtype return [ restore_dtype_and_merge(kps_i.to_xy_array(), input_dtype) for kps_i in keypoints] if ntype == "iterable-tuple[number,size=2]": assert len(keypoints) == 1, ( "Expected a single KeypointsOnImage instance after normalization " "due to getting an iterable of (x,y) tuples before " "normalization. Got %d instances instead." % (len(keypoints),)) return [ (kp.x, kp.y) for kp in keypoints[0].keypoints] if ntype == "iterable-Keypoint": assert len(keypoints) == 1, ( "Expected a single KeypointsOnImage instance after normalization " "due to getting an iterable of Keypoint before " "normalization. Got %d instances instead." % (len(keypoints),)) return keypoints[0].keypoints if ntype == "iterable-KeypointsOnImage": return keypoints if ntype == "iterable-iterable[empty]": assert keypoints is None, ( "Expected keypoints after normalization to be None, due " "to the keypoints before normalization being an empty " "iterable of iterables. Got type %s instead." % (type(keypoints),)) return keypoints_old[:] if ntype == "iterable-iterable-tuple[number,size=2]": return [ [(kp.x, kp.y) for kp in kpsoi.keypoints] for kpsoi in keypoints] assert ntype == "iterable-iterable-Keypoint", ( "Got unknown normalization type '%s'." % (ntype,)) return [kpsoi.keypoints[:] for kpsoi in keypoints]
[docs]def invert_normalize_bounding_boxes(bounding_boxes, bounding_boxes_old): ntype = estimate_normalization_type(bounding_boxes_old) if ntype == "None": assert bounding_boxes is None, ( "Expected (normalized) 'bounding_boxes' to be None due " "(unnormalized) 'bounding_boxes_old' being None. Got type %s " "instead." % (type(bounding_boxes),)) return bounding_boxes if ntype in ["array[float]", "array[int]", "array[uint]"]: assert len(bounding_boxes) == 1, ( "Expected a single BoundingBoxesOnImage instance after " "normalization due to getting a single ndarray before " "normalization. Got %d instances instead." % ( len(bounding_boxes),)) input_dtype = bounding_boxes_old.dtype return restore_dtype_and_merge([ bbsoi.to_xyxy_array() for bbsoi in bounding_boxes ], input_dtype) if ntype == "tuple[number,size=4]": assert len(bounding_boxes) == 1, ( "Expected a single BoundingBoxesOnImage instance after " "normalization due to getting a single (x1,y1,x2,y2) tuple before " "normalization. Got %d instances instead." % ( len(bounding_boxes),)) assert len(bounding_boxes[0].bounding_boxes) == 1, ( "Expected a BoundingBoxesOnImage instance containing a single " "BoundingBox after normalization due to getting a single " "(x1,y1,x2,y2) tuple before normalization. Got %d bounding boxes " "instead." % (len(bounding_boxes[0].bounding_boxes))) bb = bounding_boxes[0].bounding_boxes[0] return bb.x1, bb.y1, bb.x2, bb.y2 if ntype == "BoundingBox": assert len(bounding_boxes) == 1, ( "Expected a single BoundingBoxesOnImage instance after " "normalization due to getting a single BoundingBox before " "normalization. Got %d instances instead." % ( len(bounding_boxes),)) assert len(bounding_boxes[0].bounding_boxes) == 1, ( "Expected a BoundingBoxesOnImage instance containing a single " "BoundingBox after normalization due to getting a single " "BoundingBox before normalization. Got %d bounding boxes " "instead." % (len(bounding_boxes[0].bounding_boxes))) return bounding_boxes[0].bounding_boxes[0] if ntype == "BoundingBoxesOnImage": assert len(bounding_boxes) == 1, ( "Expected a single BoundingBoxesOnImage instance after " "normalization due to getting a single BoundingBoxesOnImage " "before normalization. Got %d instances instead." % ( len(bounding_boxes),)) return bounding_boxes[0] if ntype == "iterable[empty]": assert bounding_boxes is None, ( "Expected bounding boxes after normalization to be None, due " "to the bounding boxes before normalization being an empty " "iterable. Got type %s instead." % (type(bounding_boxes),)) return [] if ntype in ["iterable-array[float]", "iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]"]: nonempty, _, _ = find_first_nonempty(bounding_boxes_old) input_dtype = nonempty.dtype return [ restore_dtype_and_merge(bbsoi.to_xyxy_array(), input_dtype) for bbsoi in bounding_boxes] if ntype == "iterable-tuple[number,size=4]": assert len(bounding_boxes) == 1, ( "Expected a single BoundingBoxesOnImage instance after " "normalization due to getting a an iterable of (x1,y1,x2,y2) " "tuples before normalization. Got %d instances instead." % ( len(bounding_boxes),)) return [ (bb.x1, bb.y1, bb.x2, bb.y2) for bb in bounding_boxes[0].bounding_boxes] if ntype == "iterable-BoundingBox": assert len(bounding_boxes) == 1, ( "Expected a single BoundingBoxesOnImage instance after " "normalization due to getting an iterable of BoundingBox before " "normalization. Got %d instances instead." % ( len(bounding_boxes),)) return bounding_boxes[0].bounding_boxes if ntype == "iterable-BoundingBoxesOnImage": return bounding_boxes if ntype == "iterable-iterable[empty]": assert bounding_boxes is None, ( "Expected bounding boxes after normalization to be None, due " "to the bounding boxes before normalization being an empty " "iterable of iterables. Got type %s instead." % ( type(bounding_boxes),)) return bounding_boxes_old[:] if ntype == "iterable-iterable-tuple[number,size=4]": return [ [(bb.x1, bb.y1, bb.x2, bb.y2) for bb in bbsoi.bounding_boxes] for bbsoi in bounding_boxes] assert ntype == "iterable-iterable-BoundingBox", ( "Got unknown normalization type '%s'." % (ntype,)) return [bbsoi.bounding_boxes[:] for bbsoi in bounding_boxes]
[docs]def invert_normalize_polygons(polygons, polygons_old): return _invert_normalize_polygons_and_line_strings( polygons, polygons_old, estimate_polygons_norm_type, "Polygon", "PolygonsOnImage", lambda psoi: psoi.polygons, lambda poly: poly.exterior)
[docs]def invert_normalize_line_strings(line_strings, line_strings_old): return _invert_normalize_polygons_and_line_strings( line_strings, line_strings_old, estimate_line_strings_norm_type, "LineString", "LineStringsOnImage", lambda lsoi: lsoi.line_strings, lambda ls: ls.coords)
def _invert_normalize_polygons_and_line_strings(inputs, inputs_old, estimate_ntype_func, cls_single_name, cls_oi_name, get_entities_func, get_points_func): # TODO get rid of this deferred import from imgaug.augmentables.kps import Keypoint ntype = estimate_ntype_func(inputs_old) if ntype == "None": assert inputs is None, ( "Expected (normalized) polygons/line strings to be None due " "(unnormalized) polygons/line strings being None. Got type %s " "instead." % (type(inputs),)) return inputs if ntype in ["array[float]", "array[int]", "array[uint]"]: input_dtype = inputs_old.dtype return restore_dtype_and_merge([ [get_points_func(entity) for entity in get_entities_func(oi)] for oi in inputs ], input_dtype) if ntype == cls_single_name: assert len(inputs) == 1, ( "Expected a single %s instance after normalization " "due to getting a single %s before normalization. " "Got %d instances instead." % ( cls_oi_name, cls_single_name, len(inputs),)) assert len(get_entities_func(inputs[0])) == 1, ( "Expected a %s instance containing a single " "%s after normalization due to getting a single %s " "before normalization. Got %d instances instead." % ( cls_oi_name, cls_single_name, cls_single_name, len(get_entities_func(inputs[0])))) return get_entities_func(inputs[0])[0] if ntype == cls_oi_name: assert len(inputs) == 1, ( "Expected a single %s instance after normalization " "due to getting a single %s before normalization. " "Got %d instances instead." % ( cls_oi_name, cls_oi_name, len(inputs),)) return inputs[0] if ntype == "iterable[empty]": assert inputs is None, ( "Expected polygons/line strings after normalization to be None, " "due to the polygons/line strings before normalization being an " "empty iterable. Got type %s instead." % (type(inputs),)) return [] if ntype in ["iterable-array[float]", "iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]"]: nonempty, _, _ = find_first_nonempty(inputs_old) input_dtype = nonempty.dtype return [ restore_dtype_and_merge( [get_points_func(entity) for entity in get_entities_func(oi)], input_dtype) for oi in inputs ] if ntype == "iterable-tuple[number,size=2]": assert len(inputs) == 1, ( "Expected a single %s instance after normalization " "due to getting an iterable of (x,y) tuples before " "normalization. Got %d instances instead." % ( cls_oi_name, len(inputs),)) assert len(get_entities_func(inputs[0])) == 1, ( "Expected a %s instance after normalization " "containing a single %s instance due to getting an iterable " "of (x,y) tuples before normalization. " "Got a %s with %d %s instances instead." % ( cls_oi_name, cls_single_name, cls_oi_name, cls_single_name, len(inputs),)) return [(point[0], point[1]) for point in get_points_func(get_entities_func(inputs[0])[0])] if ntype == "iterable-Keypoint": assert len(inputs) == 1, ( "Expected a single %s instance after normalization " "due to getting an iterable of Keypoint before " "normalization. Got %d instances instead." % ( cls_oi_name, len(inputs),)) assert len(get_entities_func(inputs[0])) == 1, ( "Expected a %s instance after normalization " "containing a single %s instance due to getting an iterable " "of Keypoint before normalization. " "Got a %s with %d %s instances instead." % ( cls_oi_name, cls_single_name, cls_oi_name, cls_single_name, len(inputs),)) return [Keypoint(x=point[0], y=point[1]) for point in get_points_func(get_entities_func(inputs[0])[0])] if ntype == ("iterable-%s" % (cls_single_name,)): assert len(inputs) == 1, ( "Expected a single %s instance after normalization " "due to getting an iterable of %s before " "normalization. Got %d instances instead." % ( cls_oi_name, cls_single_name, len(inputs),)) assert len(get_entities_func(inputs[0])) == len(inputs_old), ( "Expected a %s instance after normalization " "containing a single %s instance due to getting an iterable " "of %s before normalization. " "Got a %s with %d %s instances instead." % ( cls_oi_name, cls_single_name, cls_single_name, cls_oi_name, cls_single_name, len(inputs),)) return get_entities_func(inputs[0]) if ntype == ("iterable-%s" % (cls_oi_name,)): return inputs if ntype == "iterable-iterable[empty]": assert inputs is None, ( "Expected polygons/line strings after normalization to be None, " "due to the polygons/line strings before normalization being an " "empty iterable of iterables. Got type %s instead." % ( type(inputs),)) return inputs_old[:] if ntype in ["iterable-iterable-array[float]", "iterable-iterable-array[int]", "iterable-iterable-array[uint]"]: nonempty, _, _ = find_first_nonempty(inputs_old) input_dtype = nonempty.dtype return [ [restore_dtype_and_merge(get_points_func(entity), input_dtype) for entity in get_entities_func(oi)] for oi in inputs ] if ntype == "iterable-iterable-tuple[number,size=2]": assert len(inputs) == 1, ( "Expected a single %s instance after normalization " "due to getting an iterable of iterables of (x,y) tuples before " "normalization. Got %d instances instead." % ( cls_oi_name, len(inputs),)) return [ [(point[0], point[1]) for point in get_points_func(entity)] for entity in get_entities_func(inputs[0])] if ntype == "iterable-iterable-Keypoint": assert len(inputs) == 1, ( "Expected a single %s instance after normalization " "due to getting an iterable of iterables of Keypoint before " "normalization. Got %d instances instead." % ( cls_oi_name, len(inputs),)) return [ [Keypoint(x=point[0], y=point[1]) for point in get_points_func(entity)] for entity in get_entities_func(inputs[0])] if ntype == ("iterable-iterable-%s" % (cls_single_name,)): return [get_entities_func(oi) for oi in inputs] if ntype == "iterable-iterable-iterable[empty]": return inputs_old[:] if ntype == "iterable-iterable-iterable-tuple[number,size=2]": return [ [ [ (point[0], point[1]) for point in get_points_func(entity) ] for entity in get_entities_func(oi) ] for oi in inputs] assert ntype == "iterable-iterable-iterable-Keypoint", ( "Got unknown normalization type '%s'." % (ntype,)) return [ [ [ Keypoint(x=point[0], y=point[1]) for point in get_points_func(entity) ] for entity in get_entities_func(oi) ] for oi in inputs] def _assert_is_of_norm_type(type_str, valid_type_strs, arg_name): assert type_str in valid_type_strs, ( "Got an unknown datatype for argument '%s'. " "Expected datatypes were: %s. Got: %s." % ( arg_name, ", ".join(valid_type_strs), type_str))
[docs]def estimate_heatmaps_norm_type(heatmaps): type_str = estimate_normalization_type(heatmaps) valid_type_strs = [ "None", "array[float]", "HeatmapsOnImage", "iterable[empty]", "iterable-array[float]", "iterable-HeatmapsOnImage" ] _assert_is_of_norm_type(type_str, valid_type_strs, "heatmaps") return type_str
[docs]def estimate_segmaps_norm_type(segmentation_maps): type_str = estimate_normalization_type(segmentation_maps) valid_type_strs = [ "None", "array[int]", "array[uint]", "array[bool]", "SegmentationMapsOnImage", "iterable[empty]", "iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]", "iterable-array[bool]", "iterable-SegmentationMapsOnImage" ] _assert_is_of_norm_type( type_str, valid_type_strs, "segmentation_maps") return type_str
[docs]def estimate_keypoints_norm_type(keypoints): type_str = estimate_normalization_type(keypoints) valid_type_strs = [ "None", "array[float]", "array[int]", "array[uint]", "tuple[number,size=2]", "Keypoint", "KeypointsOnImage", "iterable[empty]", "iterable-array[float]", "iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]", "iterable-tuple[number,size=2]", "iterable-Keypoint", "iterable-KeypointsOnImage", "iterable-iterable[empty]", "iterable-iterable-tuple[number,size=2]", "iterable-iterable-Keypoint" ] _assert_is_of_norm_type(type_str, valid_type_strs, "keypoints") return type_str
[docs]def estimate_bounding_boxes_norm_type(bounding_boxes): type_str = estimate_normalization_type(bounding_boxes) valid_type_strs = [ "None", "array[float]", "array[int]", "array[uint]", "tuple[number,size=4]", "BoundingBox", "BoundingBoxesOnImage", "iterable[empty]", "iterable-array[float]", "iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]", "iterable-tuple[number,size=4]", "iterable-BoundingBox", "iterable-BoundingBoxesOnImage", "iterable-iterable[empty]", "iterable-iterable-tuple[number,size=4]", "iterable-iterable-BoundingBox" ] _assert_is_of_norm_type( type_str, valid_type_strs, "bounding_boxes") return type_str
[docs]def estimate_polygons_norm_type(polygons): return _estimate_polygons_and_line_segments_norm_type( polygons, "Polygon", "PolygonsOnImage", "polygons")
[docs]def estimate_line_strings_norm_type(line_strings): return _estimate_polygons_and_line_segments_norm_type( line_strings, "LineString", "LineStringsOnImage", "line_strings")
def _estimate_polygons_and_line_segments_norm_type(inputs, cls_single_name, cls_oi_name, augmentable_name): type_str = estimate_normalization_type(inputs) valid_type_strs = [ "None", "array[float]", "array[int]", "array[uint]", cls_single_name, cls_oi_name, "iterable[empty]", "iterable-array[float]", "iterable-array[int]", "iterable-array[uint]", "iterable-tuple[number,size=2]", "iterable-Keypoint", "iterable-%s" % (cls_single_name,), "iterable-%s" % (cls_oi_name,), "iterable-iterable[empty]", "iterable-iterable-array[float]", "iterable-iterable-array[int]", "iterable-iterable-array[uint]", "iterable-iterable-tuple[number,size=2]", "iterable-iterable-Keypoint", "iterable-iterable-%s" % (cls_single_name,), "iterable-iterable-iterable[empty]", "iterable-iterable-iterable-tuple[number,size=2]", "iterable-iterable-iterable-Keypoint" ] _assert_is_of_norm_type(type_str, valid_type_strs, augmentable_name) return type_str
[docs]def estimate_normalization_type(inputs): nonempty, success, parents = find_first_nonempty(inputs) type_str = _nonempty_info_to_type_str(nonempty, success, parents) return type_str
[docs]def restore_dtype_and_merge(arr, input_dtype): if isinstance(arr, list): arr = [restore_dtype_and_merge(arr_i, input_dtype) for arr_i in arr] shapes = [arr_i.shape for arr_i in arr] if len(set(shapes)) == 1: arr = np.array(arr) if ia.is_np_array(arr): arr = iadt.restore_dtypes_(arr, input_dtype) return arr
def _is_iterable(obj): return ( ia.is_iterable(obj) and not isinstance(obj, IAugmentable) # not e.g. KeypointsOnImage and not hasattr(obj, "coords") # not BBs, Polys, LS and not ia.is_string(obj) )
[docs]def find_first_nonempty(attr, parents=None): if parents is None: parents = [] if attr is None or ia.is_np_array(attr): return attr, True, parents # we exclude strings here, as otherwise we would get the first # character, while we want to get the whole string if _is_iterable(attr): if len(attr) == 0: return None, False, parents # this prevents the loop below from becoming infinite if the # element in the iterable is identical with the iterable, # as is the case for e.g. strings if attr[0] is attr: return attr, True, parents # Usually in case of empty lists, all lists should have similar # depth. We are a bit more tolerant here and pick the deepest one. # Only parents would really need to be tracked here, we could # ignore nonempty and success as they will always have the same # values (if only empty lists exist). nonempty_deepest = None success_deepest = False parents_deepest = parents for attr_i in attr: nonempty, success, parents_found = find_first_nonempty( attr_i, parents=parents+[attr]) if success: # on any nonempty hit we return immediately as we assume # that the datatypes do not change between child branches return nonempty, success, parents_found if len(parents_found) > len(parents_deepest): nonempty_deepest = nonempty success_deepest = success parents_deepest = parents_found return nonempty_deepest, success_deepest, parents_deepest return attr, True, parents
def _nonempty_info_to_type_str(nonempty, success, parents): assert len(parents) <= 4, "Expected 'parents' to be <=4, got %d." % ( len(parents),) parent_iters = "" if len(parents) > 0: parent_iters = "%s-" % ("-".join(["iterable"] * len(parents)),) if not success: return "%siterable[empty]" % (parent_iters,) is_parent_tuple = ( len(parents) >= 1 and isinstance(parents[-1], tuple) ) if is_parent_tuple: is_only_numbers_in_tuple = ( len(parents[-1]) > 0 and all([ia.is_single_number(val) for val in parents[-1]]) ) if is_only_numbers_in_tuple: parent_iters = "-".join(["iterable"] * (len(parents)-1)) tpl_name = "tuple[number,size=%d]" % (len(parents[-1]),) return "-".join([parent_iters, tpl_name]).lstrip("-") if nonempty is None: return "None" if ia.is_np_array(nonempty): kind = nonempty.dtype.kind kind_map = {"f": "float", "u": "uint", "i": "int", "b": "bool"} return "%sarray[%s]" % ( parent_iters, kind_map[kind] if kind in kind_map else kind) # even int, str etc. are objects in python, so anything left should # offer a __class__ attribute assert isinstance(nonempty, object), ( "Expected 'nonempty' to be an object, got type %s." % ( type(nonempty),)) return "%s%s" % (parent_iters, nonempty.__class__.__name__)